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Hades pov

It's been two days since I've last saw Isbaella. I miss her. She hasn't been coming often.

"Isabella's here!" My sister, Mila says.

We go all follow her. I smile looking at Isabella, she smiles's different.

I walk towards her bowing as she does the same.

"Come dear you must be hungry from your walk." My mom says as she gentle guides Isabella inside.

We walk inside the kitchen sitting down. Maides come in smiling. They put down tea and some cakes.

"Why don't you take off you gloves?" Grandma suggests.

Isabella freeze's her eyes widen. We look at her then at each other.

"Um, I burned myself so um." Isabella says but pauses looking down.

"Why don't I bring a doctor, we could check on them uh?" My dad ask as Isabella nods.

She takes them off as my eyes darken.

Her left hand is burned but her right hand is not. It's red, it looks like she held on something and it burned her.

"Oh my dear, that must have hurt. How did you hurt yourself?" Grandma ask as she slowly takes her hand. Luca's our doctor comes in and takes her hand and gets a whip cream. He then puts some on her.

"Your skin look bad but it should heal. Just don't use your left hand to much. Your might pill off a bit and if it does just put this cream on." Lucas says handing her the cream.

"Thank you." Isabella says looking at her hand.

"I'm going to wrap it." Lucas says as Isbaella nods.

He then grabs something and wrapes her hand and he ties it to secure it.

Once he's done we thank him and he leaves.

"Can I go to the garden?" Isabella ask, I nod smiling as her eyes lighten up.

She gets up and quickly runs towards the garden.

I walk behind her, I smile hearing her giggles.

"Woah they've gotten more beautiful!" She says smiling as she stared at them.

"Whoever takes cares of these...I LOVE THEM!" She shouts as I chulcke.

"Well thank you." I say bowing as her eyes widen.

"You take care of them?" She ask as I nod.

"Yea." I say as she smiles.

"We'll they are so beautiful!" She says as I laugh.

"Yea they are." I say looking at her.

She then sits down as I sit down along with her.

A few minutes later a maid comes towards us with a plate.

"Here you go my King and princess." She says putting down a plate filled with goods.

We thank her and she leaves.

"What's your favorite color?" I ask.

It's pink.' I thought.

"Pink!" Isabella says as I chulcke.

"What about you?" She ask getting a strawberry.

"I'd say black or grey." I say, Isabella looks at me, her eyes soft.

"Why?" I suddenly ask.

"What?" She questions.

"Why do you look at me like that. Where different, I'm known to be known as the devil. People aren't lying I kill others ruthlessly. I'm dangerous, I lurk in the shadows to kill. You - Isabella you're so beautiful and inoccent. You're sweet, nice. How can someone with so much pure inoccence see me - a bad ruthless killer as good guy and hang out with. My people are known to be bad along with my family. Where known to be bad ruthless. So why?" I ask.

Isabella gets up, fear is in me as I feel like she's going to leave me.

She looks at me as I sit in the grass.

"You must have your reasons. Everyone does. I'f you say what people say it's true that you're a ruthless killer who lurks in the shadows to kill. Then why didn't you kill me? Why didn't you kill me the second I walked in? Others saw me, why didn't they kill me? That's because it's false. You're not a ruthless killer as everyone says. My future people are known to be nice caring and sweet. Not everything that people says is true. Just because I dress nice, I'm pretty, just because I live in a castle that every little girl wishes to live in. It doesn't mean I'm perfect. You and your people are not bad. They're good, they all are. And I hate how the children think that they are bad because of what the others say. Tell me Hades, you and your people are listening to others beliveing that you are bad and ruthless humans begins. Stop listening to others, and tell me. Tell me yourself. I want to know from you not the others, do you think you're a bad guy?" She says. I look at her.

I smile looking at her. This was the exact way I feel for her. She stood up for me. Right now, she's not just standing up for me but she's standing up for billions of others, my people.

She's turns around but before she can leave she speaks. "I dont care if I fall in love with a devil, as long as that devil will love me the way he loves hell." Isabella says, she then countines to walk away.

I look at the flowers.

'Tell me yourself. I want to know from you not the others, do you think you're a bad guy?' Her words play in my head.

They keep playing in my head, and she's right. I should not listen to other nor should my people.

I smile. 'I dont care if I fall in love with a devil, as long as that devil will love me the way he loves hell.' Her words play in my head.

She loves me? I must be the devil, does she love me? Fall in love with a devil. Has she fall in love with me? Because I'm current that the devil - myself as fallen in love with an angle.

Here you go! I'm going to countie this book more. But I hope you enjoy reading. I appreciate you all for reading.

And remember this, not everyone is perfect, you are just perfect in your own way. So don't listen to others listen to your self. Look at yourself in the mirror and say how beautiful you are because it's true.

Counted words: 1048

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