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[ a short oneshot abt serjie poo and darnon!! enjoy i guess.. :3 IF U EVEN CAN CUZ' THIS CRAP SUCKS!! ]




It was 2005 and System was performing a show at a packed venue, it being pretty warm (really hot) making every single one of the members extremely sweaty (per usual), especially John. I mean, who wouldn't be after playing with sticks nonstop for basically an hour?

Serj was walking around stage, singing and screeching into his microphone. From time to time, he would do his tiny dances he almost did every show.

Shavo mostly stood around but sometimes did little hops and stupid moves. He'd even occasionally interact with the audience by saying random shit in his mic or saying how much he appreciates all of them for coming out.

John was obviously doing his job, being some sort of "Perfect-Alien-Cyborg-Drumming-Normie", managing to always be on time.. huh?

Despite all of them being mobile and doing normal stage things, Daron was standing still. For what reason? Serj wondered exactly that. Seeing him stand still during shows isn't a very common sighting, as he's mostly pretty active on stage, him usually doing some odd stuff like humping his guitar and running across the stage like some fucking mania. Where'd all the energy go? Was it because it was hot as fuck? Possibly..? Definitely.

Tankian felt the urge to check up on his good friend, maybe to cheer him up or some shit.

Serj really cherished being by him. He always told Daron that. He's always talked about how much he enjoys hanging out with him, and how he's his inspiration, and Daron always seemed so charmed whenever he'd say that, a grin immediately plastering on his face, him looking away due to embarrassment because the warm blush creeping up on his face.

Tankian never felt any sort of attraction or any type of desire towards men. Expect him.

It genuinely made Serj a bit nervous. He has no problem with homosexuality, obviously, but it's so strange. When he first met him, there was absolutely zero attraction to him what-so-ever, but in 1997, queer (both gay and weird) things started to happen. Some new feelings bloomed, confusing him. But all he did was dismiss it and never come clean about it, who even would?

Still singing, he stepped towards Daron, going besides him. The shorter glanced up at him with a tiny smile because of his presence. His eyes nimbly pointed back to his guitar. Serj felt a smile creep up on his face, also. His eyes were practically glued on D, admiring his every movement - and body. Too bad he didn't notice that quite yet. Serj carefully examined his face. That face he loved so much. Maybe this is obsessive.

He had little to no facial hair, his dark brown hair cut short. It was slightly "jagged", but it was cute enough for Serj to like - though, he would find himself laughing and cracking jokes at it occasionally.

Obviously, as told before, Serj hasn't confessed to Daron yet, as he had a fear of their relationship getting completely demolished. I mean, why wouldn't it get ruined? Imagine your best friend for over 10 years told you they had feelings for you. And guess what, imagine if you didn't feel the same way. How embarrassing would that be? How uncomfortable it'd be for the both of you!.. which would lead to a terrible, ruined friendship. At least that's how he thinks.

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