05 - Table manners

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A maid pulls in the crimson-red curtains, another strikes a match lighting each candle around the room and table.

Claire manages to find a seat next to me and wants it before anyone else. "God, I'm starving and can't wait to eat all of this food."

"Finally, someone else agrees with me," Daniel said. Agreeing with Claire's comment.

I nod. Placing the napkin on my lap and patiently wait for our hosts for the evening.

Mr. Wellington sits at the front of the table, the candle's flame casts a shadow over his face.

"Evening, all of you I will be taking over as your host tonight since Mrs. Wellington has other matters to attend to," Mr. Wellington said. Hands folding in and giving each of us watchful eyes.

Suddenly, Chase gets up from his seat and notices his knuckles with dark bruises and some dry blood on his skin.

"I'd like to raise a toast to all of us for accepting the challenge, May we evolve, and may the best heir and new challengers win!" Chase exclaims. His voice taking control over the room ringing out into the open space of the common room.

Everyone around the room raises their glasses in the air and clink them against each other.

"Vivian?" Chase said. His glass outstretch to mine only a couple of inches away.

I look up and clink my glass with his, the flames flickering slowly and our gaze held on longer than it should've.

"So...how are you feeling about new people being a part of the tradition?" Claire asked. Before taking another sip of her wine leaving a lipstick stain on the wine glass.

"Well, I think that it's good motivation for the rest of us to do anything it takes to win, maybe form some alliances," I said. With a faint smile on my face and taking another sip of wine.

Sounds of forks scraping plates, wine spilling into glasses, and little heat from the candles.

But sitting across from Chase this evening brought back so many memories, that I need to forget about them.

"Vivian, would you like to hear about when Chase made a fool out of himself at my family's ski resort?"Daniel asked. With a devious smile on his face and leaning forward towards the table.

"Really?" I glance at Chase and then back at Daniel.

"Daniel, I don't think that Vivian needs to know about this" Chase replied. Slightly stepping on Daniel's dress shoes and gritting his teeth harshly.

"Oh no, I'd love to hear all about this incident of Chase's" I replied. Resting my chin on my open palm with a sweet smile and eyes with curiosity.

Until, the doors of the common room open and we all turn our heads seeing a maid run into the room and stop right by me.

"Miss Hawthorne, you're needed in Mrs.Wellington's office, and don't keep her waiting," the maid said. Whispering into my ear at a low volume that no one else can hear.

I turn to Daniel and toss the napkin onto the table. "Daniel I would love to hear this story some other time, I have to go now."

Going up the spiral staircase wasn't on my agenda for tonight, immediately turning right down a long hallway with long candlelights, and stopping in front of a door with a drawing of a crown above it.

I give three knocks on the door and wait for a response. "Come in," a voice said.

Entering into Marie's office and nods to an empty seat in front of her, a cigarette in hand, facing the window wearing a silk gown, and her perfect blonder hair falling down into place.

"Sorry to call you here late in the evening, I just wanted to tell you something," Marie said. Sitting back down in her office chair, letting a few ashes fall into the ashtray.

"Is everything okay? Did something happen?"I asked. Giving a worrying expression towards Mrs. Wellington and she laughs.

"No, Vivian nothing serious has happened but I want to tell you that I handpicked you to become a winner for this tradition, because you have something in you that no one else has," Marie said. Her eyes give a warm and tender look that my mother would give me from time to time.

"Thanks for letting me know Mrs. Wellington have a good evening," I said. Leaving her office and making my way back to my room.

A/N hello! Everyone thank you so much for being patient with this later update than the usual time

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A/N hello! Everyone thank you so much for being patient with this later update than the usual time.

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