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Cordelia: Hello.

Cordelia: Now, I forgot to mention. CHS don't use an mirror to sort people into dorms, instead they use something called "a Crystal Heart". The founder of the school, found the Crystal and use it to sort people into the six dorms.

Cordelia: you remember the colors right? If not, then here ya go.

Dorm Vest Color
Booklight - Pale, Light Grayish Mulberry
Hyperty - Pale, Light Grayish Raspberry
Applework - Brilliant Gamboge
Rainfall - Pale, Light Grayish Cerulean
Diashion - Light Gray
Flutterfly - Pale, Light Grayish Gold

Cordelia: I also forgot to mention the classes and who the teacher are.

Classes + Teachers (along with who they're base on)
Herbology - Pomona Mitamura (Base on Mage Meadowbrook)
Care of Magical Creatures - Athena Kuramochi (Base on Somnamula)
Transfiguration - Isoroku Sayuki (Base on Rockhoof)
Potions - Utzuki Otsuji (Base on Zecora)
Astronomy - Miniami Tōsaka (Base on Princess Luna)
Charms - Nyoko Kurosawa (Base on Mistmane)
P.E - Kichiro Nakano (Base on Flash Magnus)
History - Kenta Hironaka (Base on Star Swirl the Bearded)

Cordelia: Miniami have a sister who is the headmaster of CHS with Orika Hasumi who is base on Princess Candace is the Vice Headmaster and is Esther Sister-in-law.

Cordelia: Miniami sister name is Fuyuka Tōsaka.

Cordelia: So onto the story!

3rd pov

As Yuu was hanging out with Grim, Ace, and Deuce. The four was going to visit Riddle when Crowley stop them.

Crowley: There you are, Yuu. I have good news!

Yuu: What is it now.

Crowley: I found a way for you to go home!

Yuu gasp in shock while grim and the Adecue duo who was in shock.

Yuu: Really!?

Crowley: Yes! But the thing is.... Once you go through the mirror, you won't be able to come back.

Adecue + Grim: What!?

Yuu: What do you mean?

Crowley: Meaning, you can't come back here to see your friends.

Grim: Yuu, please do leave!

Yuu: Grim. You do realize my parents must be worry about me.

Grim: Then take me with you!

Yuu: Grim, I can't. You belong here, I mean we work hard to get you into this school. You can't turn back now.

Grim look down, and sigh.

Ace: When will Yuu leave?

Crowley: The Portal have 10 minutes before closing. But once Yuu walks through the portal, it'll close once he through. So I'll say get everyone into the mirror chamber to say goodbye.

Crowley left.

Yuu: Look like I get to go home.

Deuce: But... Wh-what about-

Yuu: I don't belong here, Deuce. I can't do magic so I don't belong here.

Ace: We know...


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