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Seeun's mother was now in her and her husband's house. She was sipping on some warm peach tea as she was looking at the family picture where Seeun was there, smiling and next to her there was her parents, smiling aswell. They seemed like a perfect and happy family, but everything crumbled once Seeun commited suicide, which her parents were shocked. They thought her daughter was doing alright, but in reality, she wasn't. Seeun suffered and even her closest friends didn't realise that.

"I can't believe your friends didn't realise you weren't well Seeun ah... You don't deserve them and me and your dad are getting revenge for you dear" The mother whispered to herself, still looking at the family photo that was pinned on the wall while she took the last sip of her warm and calm tea before going to the bathroom and getting ready to go to bed like she always did.

A few minutes later, Seeun's mother got out of the bathroom, wearing her silk pink pajamas, her hair was now styled in a low ponytail and now had really smooth and glowy skin. She was now laying down in her bed that she shared with her husband, but today, he was in charge of looking out the 22-23 classmates that were now stuck in a mafia loop game.

"Don't forget to look out for them, you never know if there is something going wrong with the game, or with the students dear" The mother said on the phone

"Yes dear, make sure to also get some rest. But... Honey, I think I am reaising that putting these children on a loop game is a bit far, maybe just putting them for only 2 or maybe one time is alright. But forever? I think that's a bit far... What about their parents? Their families? I mean in general, the people that care for these chil-" As the father was trying to finish his sentence, the woman interrupted him

"Zip it. Those children took the life of our daughter and her closest friends didn't even realise that she was not feeling well. They took our beloved daughter which we loved so muvh, so why not doing the same for them? Except they are stuck in a game forever and everything?"

"Honey we didn't wipe Yoonseo's memory yet, so she knows what happened on the previous game. From what I could tell from her, I think she is feeling guilty and everything. Maybe we should let her and everyone go. I understand that most of them made fun of her something, but maybe some of them regretted to what they have done to our daughter."  The dad tried to convince his lover, but instead, she rolled her eyes and chuckled

"Love, no matter how much you try to convince me to let these kids go, I won't agree. Now, I will go to sleep, see you tomorrow my love" The woman then hung up the call and put her phone onto the bedside table that was next to the bed and closed the lamp before she tucked herself with the heavy and fluffy blankets before she layed down and closed her eyes...


As I closed my eyes, I thought that I would be sleeping peacefully, having no dreams whatsoever like always, but I guess today was different. I opened my eyes, as I felt like a bright light was hitting my face, which I obviously was annoyed since I was trying to get some sleep. As I opened my eyes, I was suddenly in a white room. With not a lot of furnitures, there was maybe a white armchair, a fluffy white carpet, the white bed I was laying down on before, and lastly, I saw a young girl that I couldn't see her face well because of the white book she was reading, was covering her. The only thing I could see is that she was wearing a white comfy knitted sweater, some white comfy sweatpants and some white fluffy socks and her dark brown hair was straighten. The place was too quiet, I mean a little too quiet which I kinda enjoyed but, where was I? Was this a dream or something? I was so confused. I pinched my cheeks, but  nothing happened. Was this real life? How is this possible? I needed to ask somebody for some information on how did I even get here in the first place, and thankfully there was atleast someone in the room with me to ask.

𝑯𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐘 𝑬𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 (𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐀𝐋𝐋)~A twinklngstar_ story♡︎Where stories live. Discover now