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In the morning

"Thank you so much for letting us stay!"said tanjiro as she bow
"Thank you so much!"said rengoku as he also bow
"It's nothing have a good journey!"said the lady as she also bow as she wave goodbye to them

To tanjiro and rengoku

"So young lady kamado! How's your sound?"asked rengoku
"I already told you rengoku-san I'm totally it's just the scar!"said tanjiro with a sigh
"I can't help but worry sorry!"said rengoku
"It's fine rengoku-san and thanks for worrying for me..."said tanjiro with a smile
"Lady kamado was cute when he was a guy but now she's even cuter as she's a girl now!"thought rengoku as he started at tanjiro
"I could feel rengoku-san staring at me..."thought tanjiro
"Is there something one me rengoku-san?"asked tanjiro with a blush which made rengoku come back to earth and he looked away quickly with a blush
"Ohh it's nothing"said rengoku
"Okay..."said tanjiro as she giggled
"What's wrong with me"thought rengoku

After that they both continued their journey and they reach the headquarters around the night

"Good night rengoku-san!"said tanjiro
"Wait! Why don't you stay back my resistance is nearer and it's not good for a gril to walk late at this night"said rengoku with a smile
"Ohh if rengoku-san have no problem!"said tanjiro
"Ofcourse! Come this way!"said rengoku as he lead tanjiro to his resistance

At rengoku's resistance

"Everyone is no need to feel nervous"said rengoku as they both went to a room
"Oh it's cleaner than I've expected...."said tanjiro
"Thanks and if you don't mind if we sleep together cause this is the only clean room left"asked rengoku
"Ofcourse rengoku-san!"said tanjiro with a smile

The next day!

Tanjiro was walking to his next mission but suddenly she saw a familiar guy in a distance so she put on a smile and rush tothe person

"Genya!!"shouted tanjiro which made genya shock
"Do I know you?"asked genya
"What do you mean? We meet for quite sometimes! It's me kamado tanjiro!!"said tanjiro
"Tanjiro?! B-but...his a guy,!!"said genya but as he double check tanjiro he saw that she had similarities to it
"'s really you...anyways how did you turn into this?"asked genya
"Well I got turn into it by a demon who could changed people gender"said tanjiro as he sigh
"Ok..."said genya as he tried to walk away but his hand was caught by small two hands of tanjiro
"Wait! Genya! Where are you going?"asked tanjiro with a smile which made genya blush
"Why does he have to be so cute!!"thought genya as he slap tanjiro hands away
"Non of your business!"said genya as he walk off
"...did I do something wrong?"thought tanjiro as he was left dumbfounded
"Anyways...i guess I'll have to get to my mission"thought tanjiro as she continues her journey

As tanjiro was walking further and further she reach a thick forest but as she was about to change her direction she heard some sounds and smell of a hashira so she decided to greet him or her

As tanjiro was walking through the thick forest the smell was getting stronger and so did the sound so after some few sec of walking she saw the most hashira practicing. So she decided to greet him

"Muichiro-san"said tanjiro as he waved her hands which made muichiro stop his practice and look at the person calling him
"Who are you again?"asked muichiro
"What?! I'm kamado tanjiro!"said tanjiro with a nervous smile
"Ohh I forgot about you got a big scar there"said muichiro as he stare at tanjiro open chest which made tanjiro blush a little
"Umm... muichiro-san its bad to stare at a lady's bare chest"said tanjiro as she blush
"Ohh...gomen.."said muichiro as he backs away and started his training
"Ahh.... muichiro-san is so... different"thought tanjiro as she sigh and as she was about to leave muichiro crow started to make a scene
"Caw! Caw! Muichiro! Caw! You have a mission!! Caw! It's in the western part of of the yamado mountain! Caw! Caw! Many villagers are missing! Caw! Caw! "Shouted the crow
So muichiro stoped his training at once and started his journey
"Wait....yamado mountain? Wait i also have a mission near the same mountain jamado mountain!"thought tanjiro as she rush to the mist hashira
"Muichiro-san! Wait!"shouted tanjiro as muichiro stopped
"Who are you?"asked muichiro
"....ahhh...anyways! I'm kamado tanjiro! And I have to go to jamado mountain which is near your mission! So I was thinking if we could go together?"asked tanjiro
"Really...okay then do as you pleased"said muichiro as he was unbothered and still continued his journey
"Hmmm from my knowledge the mountains in the western have 3 continuous high mountain called jamado,yamado and fauda..."thought tanjiro

After walking for 3 hours straight

" muichiro-san not thirsty? We've been walking for quite a long time now"thought tanjiro as he sigh then suddenly muichiro stopped and took out some water as he sat down near a stone
"Ohh..."thought tanjiro as he also rest and drank some water
"Looking from the sky...I think we won't be able to reach our destination today...why does every mission have to atleast 2 days mission!"thought tanjiro as he sigh

After that muichiro again stood up and started walk and ofcourse tanjiro followed him

After walking for 5 hours straight they finally reach the kanti village which leads to the 3 mountinas as it acts as a gateway of it

"Omg! Finally a village i was going to legs are so sorry..."thought tanjiro
"But it's about to be nightime so I guess we can spend the night somewhere here...waoh...why don't I see no inn..."thought tanjiro and as tanjiro was looking around she saw that muichiro was going towards the mountain so tanjiro ran after him
"Muichiro-san! Wait! I think we should rest?!"said tanjiro
"Who are you?"asked muichiro
"Ugh! I don't wanna explain again but muichiro-san I think we should rest cause that mountain is very tall! And it will atleast take a day for us to reach the top! So let's rest here! I'll look around for us to spend the nigh!"said tanjiro as she sigh
"I don't care if I get tired..."said muichiro
"B-but... muichiro-san! Please! Or else you won't be able to fight the demons!!"said tanjiro as she beg and out of nowhere the wind hashira appeared

Thanks for reading!!

Over and out!

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