Le Verño y Airadìo

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In a lonely playground, a 6 year old boy with striking green hair is seen infront of another boy of the same age, with both of them looking slightly bruised. The green haired boy looks forward with teary eyes as if trying to reason with someone. "Why are you being so mean ? You're making him cry, Kacchan !" The boy shouts out in fear, seemingly knowing the attacker.

"If you keep on hurting him...Uhh... I'll, uhh...I'll stop you myself !!" He yells out once again while closing his hands into trembling fists, putting on a brave act when in reality, he was scared stiff.

Infront of him was a boy with ash blonde hair. On his left was a derpy looking boy with long fingers and on his right was a bald boy with red wings. Kacchan; the one in the middle, stares in a deadpan manner before closing his eyes and smirking arrogantly.

"You wanna pretend to be a hero ?" The blonde starts condescendingly. The two boys next to him smile with mischief as the one on the left elongates his fingers and the other spreads his wings. "You don't stand a chance without a Quirk...-" he punches his fist against his other fist, causing a small explosion to go off on impact.

"-Deku." The green haired boy flinches at the insulting name and the grin on the blondes face. It was hopeless. Once again, he has tried and failed to reason with his friend. He chokes up a sob and braces for it. At the same time, all three boys lunge forward, ready to attack the defenseless children.


A booming sound is heard across the playground, as Kacchan lets out a bigger explosion. A small plume of smoke covers the side of the area as the three bullies whoop and laugh at their handiwork. Putting that idiot in his place had always been a fun hobby for them.

"Woah !!! That was huge !!" The boy with the long fingers; Nagai, exclaims in awe. "Yeah Hahaha !! That's probably larger than most of your other explosions, Katsuki !!!" The winged boy; Tsubasa, remarks to the blonde. Katsuki shakes his wrists and laughs out loud. "Hah ! Everyone knows that the best heroes always get stronger by practicing their quirks. YA HEAR THAT YOU DUMB DEKU !!?! THAT'S SOMETHING THAT YOU'LL NEVER DO BECAUSE You... Don't have... A quirk ?"

Katsuki slows down as his eyes widen at the object -no, multiple objects that were towering over them. It was a huge red/brown bush made out of roots and branches. Instead of leaves, many sharp thorns jut out, forming a barrier that would definitely hurt if one tried to get through. The bush sways and twitches, like it had some sort of sentience, which freaked out the boys a little bit.

The thorn dome slowly recedes into the ground, revealing the two kids that were about to get hurt. Deku, who was still in a braced position, finally opens an eye just in time to witness the branches and roots going into the ground. Everyone was stunned till the whole thing just went back into the ground.

"Oi.... Oi oi oi !! What the heck was that, Deku !!?!?" Katsuki breaks the silence and demands angrily at the green haired boy. "H-huh ?! I didn't do that !" Deku says, just as surprised. Suddenly they all hear a sound, like something was being pulled out of the ground. Deku, the injured boy, Katsuki and his posse all turn to see a peculiar sight.

Not more than eight feet away from them, was a crouching figure. By the looks of the frame, it was a girl their age. Her night black hair covers her face, but not her pale white skin, which made her look like a ghost. However, the most striking thing about this girl was that her right forearm that was made out of brown and red tree bark, roots and thorns. In her normal looking hand, an odd necklace made of gray, gold and red beads with a guy nailed to a pole in the opposite direction, were held. Two and two were immediately put together that this girl caused that bush. She then raises herself to look upon the boys, surprising them more.

The Silenced Heroine: Lady Penance (BNHA x Blasphemous Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now