Chapter 19: The Next Playboy

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Did you ever have the feeling like you're the happiest person in the world just because someone told you that he loves you? Others say that it's nothing to smile about and some are just like me, smiling at this particular reason as to why I'm smiling right now. I'm really happy whenever I remember what he told me. It kept on playing at the back of my mind and my lips doesn't stop smiling.

"Beth! Hey Beth?" I called Beth's name when I saw her getting her books from her locker. When she turned around and saw me, she immediately hug me, "I miss you Kate!" She said happily.

The bell rang and it was the start of our first period.

"I'll see you later? Okay?" I replied back.

She pulls back from the hug and nodded, "Okay, See you!" She just can't stop smiling.

Before I enter our classroom for the first period, I ran my way towards my locker because I forgot to get my book and that sucks because I will be late. I just hope that our teacher won't recognize me or even acknowledge my presence.

After I got my book out of the locker, I ran. No one seems to be on the hallway and I'm a bit confident that I won't ran into someone. Our classroom is on the second floor and I'm in a hurry. When I took the stairs, my book fell down to the ground. As soon as I picked it up, I turn my back and I wasn't expecting to bump into someone. I was about to fell on my butt, not until the guy who had bumped to me took my hand to keep me from falling down the ground.

"I'm sorry, thank god you're alright." He said in a British accent.

It was obvious that he wasn't around here, his hair is brown and his eyes were blue. He's just handsome and incredibly tall.

I just kept my mouth shut and stare at his beautiful features. He was saying something but I can't really understand him because my mind just got blank. Until I finally remember that, I'm late.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. I should be going now! I'm already late!" I just smiled at him and left him there.

"Wait, I need to ask you—" I wasn't able to hear him clearly because I was so focused on getting myself in the classroom.

When I reached the classroom, our teacher acknowledge my presence and said, "Ms. Hughes, why are you late?"

"I'm sorry, I just—" I don't know what to say, my mind got blank, especially when the whole students in the class are looking at me.

"Nevermind. Just take your seat, just don't be late on the next class." He pointed the seat on the back beside the empty chair. I sat down and started jotting down notes. Minutes later, the principal came and ask to excuse our teacher.

When our teacher came back, he said that he have something to announce. "Everyone, listen up. We have someone joining our class today and he's new. I hope you'll all be friendly to him, okay?"

All of us just said yes and our teacher called him out and when he enter the room, "Hi, my name is Isaac." He said in a British accent and then placed a smile on his lips. He's the guy that I bumped into a while ago, I didn't even realize that he will be a student here.

Every girl on the classroom were attracted to him and were already talking about him. I don't blame them, he's handsome. Thing is, why is he transferring? We're already in the middle of the school year. Did he get in trouble or something?

"Go sit at the empty chair at the back, next to Kate, I mean Ms. Hughes." Mr. Martin pointed the chair beside me. I never expect that the guy with the handsome feature and British accent would happen to be a new student and will be sitting beside me.

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