Untold Brooklyn Story

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"Closed eyes, heart not beating, but a living love."
- Avis Corea



"Hey..Uhmm would you mind if I sit here?".

I was laying down my forehead in my folded knees when I heard a guy talking. He must be talking to me because as far as I know I am the only person who regularly visits this place. I slowly bend my head up to check and his warm smile confirmed it. I can't clearly see the details of his face because of the sunlight from his behind that makes the view vivid.

"Yeah sure", I warmly responds and moved a bit to give him space. The sunset is on its perfect form and I can't help but praise God even more for the creation of the most beautiful view I've ever seen. The joyful waggle of birds' wings makes it more dramatic and enchanting.

When he finally sits beside me, it took a couple of minutes of silence until he spoke.

"How are you?" he strangely asked. I'm not really fond of talking to strangers but I'm not also born rude to ignore him.

I slanted my head to look at him and formed a genuine smile, "I'm good".

He looked so sensible; I feel the will of making friends with him. He looked innocent, just as how his eyes rest manly below his edgy bone of his thick brows. He has a very pointed nose and a humpy nose bridge; I suspect he has a British blood. His lips formed in a shade of rose pink, so I guess he hasn't been in smoke in his entire life. And by these, I feel like we've met long time ago.

"S-Stop staring", I was suddenly awaken to reality when he gasped. I bent my head apart and closed my eyes to forget a sudden humiliation. Gosh!

"Sorry. You just look so familiar", I reasoned out, hoping he would buy it, "Have we met? You know...somewhere?"

By the way he stares, I feel like I entered into a deep thought that's full of emotions. It feels like I'm mirroring myself through his eyes emotionally. His smile faded and stares back to the sunset. He looked back at me and said, "N-No".

Honestly, I suddenly felt disappointed to his answer. I have assumed we were friends or classmates years ago and I would be glad if we really were, "Oh. Okay".

"I badly missed you", I heard him whispered but I didn't hear exactly the words.

"What?" I asked, expecting him to tell me but he shrug.

"Nothing. I was just singing in my mind", he smiled but it didn't convince me, especially when the unexpected tears fell from his eyes.

It took me seconds before it sinks into me,"A-Are you okay? Are you hurt or something?", I exaggeratedly asked. Did I say something wrong?

Now he turned his whole body to me and held my hand. I stare at it and I didn't even try to take it off.

"Olive...", he gasped which surprises me. How the earth he even know my name if we hadn't met long time ago? And the way his hands caress mine...

I took my hand back and asked him, "Who are you? Why do you know my name?". He said we never met before but the way he mentioned my name is completely familiar. He is lying here.

But he stood and run to somewhere I don't know because he had just suddenly vanished through the wind. Stupidity left with me and I feel like an idiot. He must have known me and I didn't. Maybe, he was just a random guy I have played with.

"Olivia! Olivia!", my brows crossed each other when I heard my name aired. I searched for the voice but it was gone. The voice didn't repeat shouting.

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