Chapter 27: The Royal Ball

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Lucy was shocked, a tear finally sliding down her cheek, Natsu wiping it away. Quickly, Lucy snapped back to reality and let out a meaningful laugh, "When did you get so wise Natsu?"

The comment brought a scowl to Natsu's face, the expression making Lucy laugh harder than before. Her grip unconsciously tightening in Natsu's hold—After a while, the two fell in comfortable silence, enjoying the feel of being near each other and the sound of the waterfall.

Turning her head, Lucy noticed Natsu had fallen asleep... The blonde tried to remove her hand, only for him to growl in his sleep before snoring once more. Smiling to herself, Lucy brought their intertwined hands to her lips, shyly kissing them before letting them rest on the grass.

Using her free hand, Lucy traced the mating mark... Feeling her anxiety disappear as it brought warmth and comfort—Unknown to Lucy, Natsu wasn't actually asleep, twitching in a pleasant smile.

'I know what I must do...' Lucy thought, closing her eyes and smiling at the guild memories that passed through her head.


The call of the Celestial and Spirit dragon went far and wide across the realm—Elemental dragons of all kinds began to fly above the Kingdom as citizens awed at their beautiful forms... It was common to see an embodiment dragon roam the kingdom's ground—most having their own business—but it was certainly a rare sight to see an element outside of their island unless summoned to battle or needed by the Queen or King.

Even the higher-ranked dragons got ready to attend the ball as well—Such as the Dragon of Knowledge, the Dragon of Love, the Dragon of Memories, and even the Dragon of Time.

Floating lacrimas appeared for the citizens to witness the ball, music, and even the monumental crowning of the Princesses return... Including the lost children of the Elementals. To say the least, they were excited! Everyone prepared to glide across the roads and celebrate in a dragon's dance.

..Guards were quick to open the royal-gates to guide Fairy Tail and the rest inside the palace. Servants rushing to do their duty, separating the genders for a different change of attire—Natsu and Lucy were the last to arrive... and it wasn't long until the fire dragon-demon started with his profanities as maids swiftly cut through them and dragged a bewilder Lucy to her quarters.

It took guards of all kind to escort the flamin' demon to another room.

Natsu yelped, glaring with a deadly intensity at being shoved and poked around—Dragonborn stylist made some of his spiky hair fall lazily over one side of his eye (Something that irritated Natsu GREATLY, but made him all more intimidating as the stylist squeaked in fear unconsciously) ... Mindful of the horns, they attached a male-earring cuff that was a simple clip-on. However, neither the maids nor guards let Natsu go until he changed... Honestly, the dragon slayer was just relieved it wasn't some snotty-prince getup, using his blood-red wings like a cape of sorts.

Meanwhile, the ball was in full effect, and it wasn't until the familiar call of the guard did everyone stop as an announcement was made of someone's arrival.

"Presenting the royal guests of the Princesses... the Mortals of Earthland."

Dragons-dragonborn and their hatchlings halted—some awed at the sight of their entrance... None of the mortals carried any dragon feature, they didn't even smell like one! It was unusual... It was new! BUT, there were a few that snarled in distaste to themselves. The ones that didn't agree with their species mated or befriended such lowness as a mere human.

Yet they didn't protest, not here.

Never here.

"Short-cake boy!!" A squeal was heard from across the room, an older woman with pink hair and eyes tackling Jellal. "Did my little nudge work?? Of course it worked—my matchmaking ALWAYS work—"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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