⭐ Take Care of You! ⭐

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Inside the power watch,


And there as usual, The Triple Trouble causes trouble in Solar's lab.

And there our brainy scientist starts chasing them off outside.

Solar: Damn you all! Come back here!

Blaze: No way!

Solar: I'm gonna catch you!

Blaze: See for yourself!

Cyclone: Blaze! Don't make him more angry!

Thorn: Solar, I'm sorry!

Solar: Well, it's to late for apologies!

As Solar continues to chase them, Thorn trips and falls on the other two of them who were running away in front of him, which caused the all three elements to fall and roll towards the south direction.

Solar: What the-

Solar lifts his eyes a bit more so that he could check something on their way so that they would'nt crash and he saw something, it was Thunderstorm!

Solar: Thunderstorm! Look out!

Thunderstorm: Huh!?


To late for him to move as he got dashed away by them and he was thrown away and hit his head to the bark of the tree.

Thunderstorm: Aduh...

Solar approaches Thunderstorm to check on his head, and then starts yelling at the other three..

Solar: Can't you three just stay silent!?

Blaze: Ey! It's hard for us...Staying without some trouble making..is no fun for us!

Cyclone and Thorn: (nods) yes!

Solar: Haiya...Yeesh...You three.

And as usual it was time that Thunderstorm got mad at them including Solar,

Thunderstorm: Can't you four leave me alone!?

Solar: What!? But they were the ones-

Thunderstorm: I don't care! It's your lab and they are YOUR trouble makers! Catch them by yourself!

Thorn: Uh...Oh...

Solar: Well, I didn't ask YOU to catch them, did I!?

Thunderstorm: Why did you chase them this way!?

Solar: I didn't chase them! They ran all the way here and they Tripped! It's not my mistake!

Thunderstorm: It is still YOUR mistake! You don't need to go on and do stupid experiments like this!

Solar: Thunderstorm! You do know that I like doing these things and yet you still talk about it? Anyway it's my mistake...I shouldn't have checked on you at all... Atleast that would have made me happier!

Thunderstorm: Go away! And you three!

Cyclone, Blaze and Thorn: (sweatdrops) Hmm!?

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