Phantoms (Part 1)

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Drake's P.O.V

"Drake, the fuck are you thinking!?"

I pull into the parking lot outside the attraction. Its empty, just as I expected. The sky is pitch black, stars ibscured by clouds and the streets completely empty. Perfect.

Its been a few days since Raiden got sent to the ER. Since then, the oolice have found nothing relating to his attacker or why or how the fuck they even got in. But I know better. I turn to Mike, a look of determination plastered axross my face.

"Its crazy, I know, but-"

"Need I remind you that Raiden nearly died!? The fuck do you think is gonna happen to us!?" Mike cuts me off, his voice shaky.

"I know, Mike. It's a fucked up plan that could get us both in coffins. But the police havent made any progress on the case. Imagine what would happen if they don't solve this, how many people would be rushed to the ER, or worse?"

"But Drake-"

"If I could just get to the security office, I could rewind the footage to the day Rauden got attacked and find out who did it."

"But the police already tried that and came up empty. What makes you think you'll do any better?"

"The fact that I can see things most people can't, remember?" I say, motioning to my eye. On cue, it starts to glow its signiture purple.


"You're not talking me out of this." I interrupt. "I know you're scared, I know you're worried about what'll happen to me, but I'll be fine. I mean, it's not like I haven't dealt with these kinds if situations before, right?"

Mike stares into my eyes. I can see the fear behind them, though, it wasn't for his own well-being. He was scared that he'd never see me again. Scared that I'd end up like Raiden, or worse. It's a reality that I've already accepted, but he clearly hasn't. Mike sighs defeatedly.

"You're a real idiot, you know that?" He smiles a small, halfhearted smile. I smirk back at him.

"Yeah, I know, but I'm your idiot." I stroke his hair back and cup his cheek. He laughs, pushing me away.

"Be serious."

I find myself getting lost in his eyes for a second. His smile softens. His expression changes briefly to one of contemplation. The car fell silent for a moment. The look in his face tells me all I need to know.

"You don't want to go in with me, do you?"

Mike shoots me a surprised look. "Wha- How did-"

"It's written all over your face." I say. I reach for his hand and take it gently in mine. Mike blushes.

"I still haven't gotten over Freddy's." He sighs. "Sure, it was six years ago, and we went for a fuck ton of therapy after the fire, I just don't want to risk dying again. Do you know remember how close we got to dying last time? That shit messed me up."

I shoot him a smile and plant a gentle kiss on his knuckles. He shoots me a surprised stare.

"If you wanna stay in here and wait, that's fine by me." I say softly. I reach to he backseat and grab the crowbar we brought along before flashing Mike a reassuring wink.

"Besides, if shit hits the fan, I'll at least have this."

Mike chuckles. "Yeah, I don't have much doubt." With that, I open the car door and step out. The night air is cold and crisp. The clouds seem to be parting, revealing a few stars twinkling in the sky. I take in a long breath before grabbing the crowbar.

"It won't take me too long. In and out, 2 hours tops. If I'm not back in that time, grab the baseball bat in the backseat and prepare for a fight." I say to him.

"Got it." Mike nods. I grab the keys to the attraction and turn to the entrance.

"Hey, Drake?" Mike says from inside he car. I turn back to him.


"Don't die, okay?"

I smirk at him. "I've cheated death twice in the past. I'll be fine."

Mike nods. With that, I make my way to the attraction entrance. But right as I'm about to unlock the doors and step inside, I hear Mike shout;

"If you get caught for tresspassing, I'm not bailing you out!"

"Won't need to." I shout back. With that, I put the keep into the keyhole and turn it. The attraction is dark, nearly pitch black, only being faintly illuminated by my glowing purple eye. No backing out now.

"Right." I mutter. "Let's just this mystery."

With that, crowbar in hand, I stepped inside the horror attraction.



Holy shit, it has been waaay too long since I completed a chapter for Springlocked. Like, what, 7 months since I published a chapter? It's unbelievable. I already explained myself in the A/N as to why I haven't been able to upload since March 11th and I have absolutely no energy left to explain that shit again so just go read that and you'll understand. I know I said I'd try and update more often, but with the problems I've been experiencing all year round, plus the added stress of final exams approaching, it was petty much impossible.

But, since it's nearly Christmas, I decided to surprise you all with a new chapter (albeit a shorter one than normal). I decided to ease myself into this writing style instead of diving in head first with creating a 2000 word chapter. It be easier to get back into the groove of writing for Springlocked again. You can consider this my present to you and as a kind of apology for being MIA. Speaking of, I'm really happy with it.  Considering I haven't written for Springlocked in 7 months, it's pretty solid, and I'm actually looking forward to starting part 2. I have a teething planned for that.

But anyways, that's it from me. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter, have a merry Christmas and a happy new year. I will see you all, next time.


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