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''hey.'' makayla whispered.

''hey.'' chris replied with a small smile.

''coming in?''

he nodded, pressing a firm kiss to her cheek before stepping into her bedroom. she closed the door behind them, her hand resting on the doorknob as she looked at chris. they only looked at each other for a few moments before he walked to her, cupping her cheek as he kissed her.

she allowed him to kiss her for a moment before pushing him away, him walking back and landing on her bed. he pulled himself further up and makayla sat on top of him, pressing her lips to his again. he rested his hands on her hips, sighing wistfully at the feeling of the weight leaning on against him.

it had been a whole week that makayla and chris had been sleeping together and, whilst he couldn't speak for her, chris felt like he could never get enough. when the brunette girl was led next to him, sleeping peacefully in his arms like she didn't just give him the best orgasm of his life, it felt like life couldn't get any better.

when he agreed to being friends with benefits, he admittedly had doubts. chris didn't want to be stuck with one person - his biggest fear was having a girlfriend and the commitments that went along with it. he wanted to be able to sleep around, to have different experiences with different girls. when he agreed to come to college, the thoughts of girls flooded his mind - numerous girls, not just one.

but after he had makayla...he didn't want anybody else to have her. when he saw her heading up the stairs with another guy, the anger that flooded his body was indescribable. if he had to stop sleeping with other girls to make sure she wouldn't sleep with other boys, it was a sacrifice he was willing to make.

''chris?'' she whispered, planting a kiss on his jawline.

''sorry. i zoned out.'' he said, looking up at her.

''thinking about other girls?''

he smirked. ''never.''

''good.'' she smiled lightly, pulling her shirt over her head.

''so beautiful, kayla.'' he exhaled, pressing a kiss directly to her chest.

she laughed slightly. ''you're lucky ryan is staying at nick's tonight.''

''i'd tell you that you were beautiful even if he was here.'' he replied, folding his arms around her and pulling her into him. ''because you are.''

''so are you.''

he sat up slightly, leaning so he could whisper in her ear. ''now let me show you how pretty you are.''



makayla woke up and immediately noticed the sun streaming from underneath the curtains. she looked to ryan's bed, but he wasn't there. she felt a sinking feeling and that feeling just got louder when she picked up her phone and realised it was almost 12pm - two hours after her class was meant to start.

she hesitated for a moment, because she still had classes until 2pm, but decided she would just skip them today. she had lacrosse at 4pm, but she didn't want to miss that. she was also the co-captain, and she decided she would go to practice later.

she had a string of texts from ruby asking where she was, a few from matt saying he needed to talk to her about lacrosse at practice, a text from ryan saying he had attempted to wake her but she wouldn't and texts from chris. she ignored the others, clicking onto his contact.

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