Kevin Manning

154 13 3

<Kevin's P.O.V>

This is so unfair this is so UN-FUCKING FAIR! I stomped down to my voice in a fuming rage. Dex has no idea how lucky he is he is such a stuck up prick he has no idea.

"Oh Kevin come on out it's not that good! And who is it unfair to exactly?" Dex was knocking on my door while I laid face first in my beanbag.

"FUCK OFF DEX IT IS UNFAIR TO EVERY PERSON ON THIS GOD DAMN ROCK!" I yelled into the bag. The door slowly opened and I heard Dex make his way towards me.

"Come on mate just go do the short and I can wipe this shit off," Dex cooed trying to calm me from my jealousy induced rampage.

"That's the problem you look so good in the fucking make up I almost don't want you to take it off, it's just unfair that you can look amazing as both a guy and a girl and that fucking accent doesn't help" after the rush of words all came tumbling past my lips before I could try to stop it. Dex gave me this look for a second but then his wide toothy grin split across his makeup covered features.

"You really think all that shit about me?" he asked smiling happily at me. I nodded slowly waiting for the sting of rejection to pulse its way through me but I felt something much different. It was the soft set of lips of acceptance pressed against mine. I kissed hungrily pulling him closely to me enjoying the scent that wafted off of him and over me. It was strange he felt much different from any girl and I loved every single fucking second of it, if you go brit you don't give a shit.

I pushed Dex over roughly so I was straddled over him as we lay on the floor of my office. The kiss became much more rough and sloppy but it was absolute amazing the sound of our clothes rubbing against each other, our hands running ramped over both our bodies and oh the sound of our lips smacking against each other was intoxicating. We pulled back slowly eyes still closed breathing heavily before opening our eyes to meet full blow lust filled eyes.

"We should do that at my place after were done here" Dex smiled up at me chuckling slightly as a blush played over my cheeks realizing what that meant.

"We should finish the short first" I giggled rolling off of him. Dex grabbed me and began to plant kisses all over my face on my cheeks, nose, forehead anywhere there was exposed skin. After I pushed Dex off of me we walked down the hallway to be met by everyone ready to start but Stephanie had something to say first,

"Dex why is your lipstick messed up? Kevin why do you have lipstick all over your face?"

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