Chapter 25

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Tiffany P.O.V

This is not a good thing that is happening, having Abigail is one thing in a depressed mess but also having Rayne depressed is not a good idea because I can't handel both of them even though I want to but Rayne is a lot different she not letting anyone in. She comes out of the room grabs a bunch of soft foods and just goes back into the room, she doesn't even write to anyone. Nicole coming over today and we are going to do a plan to help our girls out of this deression, but the question is who did it effect more Abigal or Rayne.

(Knock at the door)

I rushed over to the door and yanked it opened, I saw Nicole standing right their

"You ready for this?" I asked

"Yes if it helps her, then I will do anything for her" Nicole said we grabbed what we needed and I made sure Sigmond wasn't going to be anywhere near here, I helped her get her car ready. Nicole knocked on the door and I hid on the side of the door, Rayne stepped out her back to me and she saw Nicole

"I'm sorry" Nicle said and thats when I took her from behind and threw a bag over her head, and we took her, because it seems like she didn't have the energy to fight, we took her to Nicole car and put her in the back

"Do you think this will work?" she asked

"I hope so, I know when Abigail lost her dad, I was the only one who got thought to her and thats how we got together and we where alone so I trust you to help my daughter please bring my baby back" I said becuase I honestly believe that Nicole can bring my little girl out of this.

"I will do my best" she said and walked over to the drivers spot and got in and I waited tell she drove off in tell i couldn't see her no more. I walked into the house and locked the doors, I made my way to Abigal and I room, I walked in and I saw Abigail cruled into a ball in the dark

"Baby its your Taffy" I said and I moved to the bed

"How" she asked and all she said

"What do you mean?" I asked

"How could this be effecting me this bad, I swear its worse then my dad dying." She said and crawled into my lap for I can play with her hair.

"You know Rayne worse then you right now" I said and slowly massaged her head softly

"What?" she asked and met eye contact

"She was so close to her grandma like you are to her that she doesn't even try to write to us. I honestly thought we were going to lose our little girl" I said Abigail shot up but I pinned her to the bed

"Tiffany let me up I need to confert my baby" she said

"Abigail she not here Nicole took her and I took you hostage to help you" I said

"Why?" she asked

"Because you and her are so a like that when your hurting the most you need that one you love the most only. So you need it to be with me alone thats it. And Rayne needs to be with Nicole, its for the best for her and her baby." I said she stopped fighting me and just looked at me

"Thank you" she said

"Just no more please I thought I lost you" I said looking at her in the eye

"Never will you lose me" she said and I took one of my hands and ran it along her scared that she got with Brownie her Junior year

"Promise" I asked

"Promise" she said and she lifted her head and kissed my lips, I kissed her back becuase this is my first kiss in over a week and i missed it. Yes school is back and Nicole been at school I haven't they understand why but today is the weekend thats why i decided to day was the best for today.

Nicole P.O.V,

I drove out to the cabin so no one will be able to bother us, becuase Rayne needs to be alone for a while and that what i am offering her but with me. I pulled up to the cabin and parked it and when I got out walked over to the back seat and I pulled it off her

"Lets go" I said and gave her my hand and we walked into the house, I picked her up and walked her upstairs and took her to our room. I sat on the bed

"Ok let it out" I said and she just started crying, I knew she hasn't been crying and I understand that. No one notice that she didn't cry after her grandma passed but I did and now she finally crying it out.

(Hours later)

She finally asleep in my arms and it was just what she needed, she beenso tired and you can tell, i got up andlaid her down and went out to the balcony and pulled out my phone

"Hello?" they said

"Tiffany how your goes?" I asked

"Good i used Rayne and she freaked needing to take care of her and I pinned her to the bed and explained." She replied

"How my girl?" she asked

"Well we are at the cabin and i told her to let it out and thats what she did now she is alseep and I don't plan on waking her up she needs to sleep" I said

"Thank you" she said

"Thank you for letting me know" I said

"Have her back before afternoon on Monday she has a appointment to find out the sex of the baby" Tiffany said

"Ok don't worry we will be thier. Do you think she minds if I am their?" I asked

"I don't care, but it is up to Rayne if you can" she said just then i had arms wrapped around me, I looked down and I saw Rayne arms around me.

"Tiffany I need to go my angel just woke up" I said

"Ok tell her Abigail and I love her" she said

"Don't worry we will" I said and hung up I picked my girl up and walked her inside I set her down on the bed and went and grabbed the her note book that i have for her. I went back and gave it to her. She started writing and i paticently waited for her to show me.

"I would love it if you came to find out the sex of the baby and also thank you" she wrote and

"Your welcome and thank you" I said and pecked her lips and she pulled me closer and pushed me on the bed she crawled on top of me. She kissed with so much passion and i knew i had to stop this.

"Baby I know your not physically and mentally not ready" I said and she pulled away with a smirk and she laid me down and laid on top of me.

(monday afternoon

Rayne and everyone else aka Abigail and Tiffany and I are waiting for the doctors to come in. Finally after 20 minutes of waiting they came in.

"Sorry about the wait but who ready to see the baby?" she asked and she got the mation going and put the gue on Rayne tummy and moved it a it.

"Well you are having twins and you are having..........."

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