1: Cascading Thoughts

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Stolas paced back and forth, his owl feet clicking against the castle's hard marble surface. Smoke from his cigarette floated up to the ceiling, pale wisps against the otherwise dark living room. 

A box marked with the Asmodean sigil lay in his unoccupied hand. It might as well have been a blazing ember. It practically burned a hole in his palm.

Oh, Blitzy. Where are you? His thoughts mumbled. Where are you?

He paused his pacing, and whipped out his phone.  The texts glowed on the screen, and his tail swished pensively.

Stolas: Are you coming?

Stolas's claws tapped impatiently. Three dots appeared, and began to flash on and off.

Blitzy: yeah. I just had to make sure that Loona was all settled.

Stolas chuckled, imagining the rebellious, independent hell hound being babied by Blitz.

Stolas: And I'm sure that went well?

Blitzy: She threw the fucking reception phone at me, if you call that "going well."

Stolas giggled, which turned into a laughing fit. My little Blitzy is absolutely hilarious! 

Just then, the castle doors opened, and in entered a fire scarred, tiny imp with a lust marking on his face. 

And Stolas remembered the task at hand.

Blitz pinched his forehead. "Let's just make this one quick. I have a huge fucking job tomorrow and I need to get all the owl feathers out of me by morning."

"About that..." Stolas inhaled quietly. "I wasn't thinking of doing any of... that. This time."

Blitz cringed. "What the fuck are you saying?"

"I'm saying I have a proposition." He rubbed his chest to keep from hyperventilating as he took the small box from his coat pocket.

Blitz perked up with interest.

"In this case is an Asmodean crystal, which is-"

"Yeah, I know what those are and what they do, so you can cut the shit. WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?" Blitz's tail flicked with annoyance.

"I'm saying that you're free from the deal we made." his hands prickled. "You can choose. Stay or leave. If you have any feelings for me, now is the time to say."

Blitz was speechless. "What- What the- What the fuck? Stolas, what the fuck?!" He began to laugh, overtaken by hysteria. "Why would I have feelings for you?" his laugh turned into a nervous, uncomfortable giggle. "I mean..."

There was a pause, where the only noise that could be heard was the sound of Stolas's shattering heart. He shoved the glowing box towards Blitz. "Here." he said, trying to sound as calm as a person that got their feelings crushed could sound.

Blitz put on a seductive mask. "You sure, hot wings? We could have some reeal fun~"

Stolas knew it was only an act, but even so his heart did somersaults. A light blush overtook his face."No, but thank you, Blitz."

A flash of confusion was soon smoothed over in Blitz's expression. "Well... ah... nice meeting you, I guess." 

And as quickly as he'd entered, he left.

And regret filled the empty space.

It happens so quickly, losing someone. 

But that wasn't the last time the two would see each other.

HIIIIII!! This is my first Helluva Boss fanfic!! I really love this show, and I hope you do, too! I will try to schedule a new chapter every day. (I have already written 5 :)!! ) Happy Holidays BTW. The next chapter will be from the perspective of Blitz, and a mysterious stranger will appear. I will leave the rest for you to speculate! BYEEEE!!!

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