Part 3

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You shoved your beer in the sand and took a bite of your hotdog. Two  bites later, Dean sat down next to you. You felt him side eyeing you but  you didn't look over, you stared out at the horizon instead.

"Are you that mad at me?" He asked with a quiver in his voice. "I fucked up, I'm sorry."

You swallowed the last of your hotdog, "What are you talking about?"

"In  the Jeep, my comment about your uniform, I swear I didn't mean it to  come out that way. I figured you'd be mad, so I'm trying to give you  space. But now you look just as upset as you were last night." He  sniffled and shifted his eyes to the horizon, then back again. He took a  deep breath and let it out slowly, steeling his jaw.

"I'm not mad," you said, turning to face him.

The  others were far enough away that they couldn't overhear and only echoes  of laughter met your ears. The sunlight shone down on Dean and you  could see the layers of colours under his skin from where his father had  hit him. And you felt the need to ease the tension.

"You lied,"  you teased, shaking your can of beer that was nearly half empty now,  "Chocolate's still better." You smiled and held out the can for him,  "Want the rest?"

He nodded and took the can from you, "I can take you home, if you want?" He still thought you were mad.

You  shook your head, "I haven't tried sand surfing yet. Could you still  show me how? I'm scared I won't be able to stop and wipe out."

"Yeah,  of course." He stood up and reached down a hand for you. You grabbed it  and he hoisted you up to your feet, "Still friends?"

"Still friends." You smiled and this time he returned the gesture. "You can't get rid of me that easily, Dean."

He  chuckled, "Good because I tend to fuck up more than once." Then he let  go of your hand like he'd forgotten he was holding it and chugged the  half a beer you gave him.

The others stuck around while Benny  grilled seconds and you and Dean headed out to where they'd left the  boards. Dean handed you one and you shuffled your feet into the bindings  as if they were slippers. Dean did the same with his own board and  stood so he was facing you.

He grabbed your hands to keep you  upright when you started to fall backwards, "Keep your knees bent and  weight centred, okay?" You nodded and looked down the edge of the sand  dune. It looked much steeper now than when you were further away. "Y/N,  look at me." He smiled and it instantly made you feel better, "I won't  let go, okay? We're just gonna ride straight down and once the ground  levels out the board stops pretty fast on its own, not like in the  snow." You nodded again, assuming there was more friction with sand so  that made sense. "Ready?"

He started to shift you both towards the edge of the dune, "Wait! Wait. How do I stop?"

He  chuckled when you squeezed his hands tighter, "You won't need to but  it's real simple, you just lean back on your heels and lift your toes.  Turning depends on how deep the sand is but you shift your weight to  your front foot and move your hips the way you wanna go." He explained  and you repeated his words in your head, slightly more confident you  could attempt a stop or a turn if you needed to. "Ready this time?"

"As I'll ever be," you laughed nervously and fixed your grip on his hands.

One  last shift and the boards started to glide down the dune, sand kicking  up between you and covering the edges of the boards. Your speed  increased and your hair whipped back in the wind and tickled your neck.  It was a freeing feeling and you shut your eyes for a moment to bask in  the feel of it. Trusting Dean not to let go and he didn't, even when  your toes bumped together every now and again. Then the ground levelled  out and you came to a stop.

Wild Hearts (AU!Dean Winchester x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now