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ᴴᵃᵛᵉ ᵃ ⁿᶦᶜᵉ ʳᵉᵃᵈᶦⁿᵍ ˢᵉˢˢᶦᵒⁿ.

Chan sighed and threw Jeongin on his back knowing that the younger is the slowest runner out of the group, running possibly away or closer to the shots with the younger on his back as Changbin follows behind just makes Chan even tired than before.

The gun shots got even more louder to the point that it was heard on the others side, Minho heard the gun shots and alerted the others to run for their lives. Seungmin tired to run but he couldn't his body felt like giving up and thats what it did, Seungmins body gave up and the younger fell on his face as he lifted his upper body to see that the others were already long dusted gone.

He felt relieved to know that his friends were going to live to retell their history but then suddenly, his body was picked up harshly off the floor and it struck his flight or fight and started swinging his body parts around to hear his boyfriends voice,

' min stop that ' Seungmin huffed in relief to know it wasn't some weirdo carrying him and it was his boyfriend instead. Seungmin was just laying his head low as he saw some black figure slowly approaching him and Minho.

Then it hit him. The black figure was holding a gun and it wasn't playing around as it started firing the first few shots in the air and then held the gun to face Seungmin and Minho's back.

' GO FASTER! ' the younger commanded as Minho knew what was happening and just dropped Seungmin's body and covered it using his own. ' NO ' the younger knew the sacrifice Minho was going to make and he wasn't to have his boyfriend die when they didn't even get married yet.

Waiting for the crucial moment to happen it..... didn't?

Thats right, im not a cruel writer that i kill the lover of the main character. OR WOULD I? im kidding. Anyways back to the story.

Slowly Minho turned his head behind him and saw how the blackened figure fall to the floor as blood starts ooooooozing out of the body. Last thing they knew was that all of them were in the police station being interrogated about what happened and how even though they technically killed the killer themselves they were only punished to community service for a total of 6 months.

The killer was diagnosed still alive as it was brought to the hospital the day the gang were found. The killer was then revealed to be the supposed deceased mother of triplets Jisung, Felix, and Seungmin..

Their mother was now then sentenced to life in prison.

" geez and she was our mother too? what a sicko "

" hey sung? i thought the last time you saw her, you said she died!"

" well lixie that was before okay? my quokka brain is tiny''

Felix sighed as he threw his head up and ran to Changbin engulfing the older in the most warmest hug Changbin has every received after leaving that abandoned building they were held captive in.

'' hey guys? have any of you seen channie hyung? ''

Jeongin said as the group looked at him back and shook their heads no. Jeongin was worried as he woke up and the older was just gone. It was oddly unusual for Chan to be doing something especially since he's injured and it would lack the use of his body.

The gang were being driven home by the police and they all settled in to crash at Minho's house since his is the biggest. Jeongin walked in first to see Chan having an intense asthma attack. It wasn't a secret that Chan was highly asthmatic he just grew on it and never used an inhaler because he said he got 'used to it'. His coughs started getting a lot and then blood started getting involved.

All of this started happening when Jeongin entered the house and he didn't realize that he was just standing there just frozen. His body froze as he saw his own lover struggling to breath as all the other members tried helping him.

Changbin searched everywhere for an inhaler and he couldn't find one, he panicked and yelled at Jeongin to buy one quickly. Jeongin's eyes widened and his body ran on command. Last thing he knew he was back in the house but this time he was holding Chan's used inhaler.

Then he was back at the hospital. The same hospital that Seungmin and Jisung were brought to, to have their injuries treated. Minho paced back and forth as he awaited for the doctor.

Soon the doctor brought Chan out but this time Chan's arm, knee, and waist was wrapped in bandages that were quickly soaking up blood every second. The doctor advised them to have the oldest not move for a while and get his bandages changed every 12 hours.

Soon the group arrived yet again at their house and Jeongin watched as Chan was wheel chair bound and almost needed everyones help getting up the stairs.

When Chan was placed on the bed, Jeongin was told to keep the bandages clean. Jeongin nodded as his eyes never left Chans state.

Jeongin changed Chans bandages once and layed beside the older.

Soon falling asleep,

( i didnt proof read before handdd !!!!!!! )

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