Declare his love

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Throughout the entire ride, Boss maintained his firm hold around my waist, keeping me close in a possessive embrace. 

Despite my attempts to wiggle free, his strength prevailed, rendering any escape futile. 

His powerful grasp spoke volumes, enveloping me in an unyielding closeness that left me powerless against his strength.

As the ride came to a halt, Boss gently guided me out, and the air filled with the sound of approaching footsteps, hastening towards us.

Soon, a group of men surrounded us, their eager greetings resonating in the air. It was evident that these men held a deep respect for Boss, a tribute to his influential standing in society.

"What would you like to purchase first, my sweet boy?" I heard Boss inquire. 

"I'm not certain; after all, you're the one eager to marry me, so why not decide for yourself?" I found myself uttering these unusually sharp words, a departure from my usual demeanor.

"Dismiss," Boss uttered, and I could sense the sudden urgency as everyone around us swiftly distanced themselves from the spot.

Beads of sweat formed on my forehead, realizing that I had unintentionally brushed against Boss's less forgiving disposition.

I sensed Boss approaching, an invisible force holding me in place as fear tightened its grip.

Suddenly, Boss's comforting hand reached out, gently wiping away the beads of sweat that had formed on my skin.

"Relax, my sweet boy; I don't bite," I heard Boss reassure me in that familiar soft tone of his.

Surprisingly, there was no trace of anger for my earlier words, leaving me to wonder if his calm demeanor was a sign of forgiveness.

My helplessness deepened, and a wave of shame washed over me, causing my gaze to lower in embarrassment.

Such words had never escaped my lips before, not even in moments of tension with my stepmother.

I felt the gentle caress of Boss's hand on my cheek, and then his fingers delicately lifted my chin, prompting me to look up.

"You're free to express yourself, sweet boy, but let your words carry the kindness that resides within you," Boss remarked.

"I know my boy is the kindest and sweetest, unlike myself. Never let those harsh words escape your lips again. Is that clear?" Boss's comment held a firm yet caring tone. All I could manage in response was a silent nod.

"And, most importantly, never lower your head in front of me. You are the soon-to-be queen of this realm, and I expect you to carry yourself with regal pride, especially in my presence," Boss remarked, casting me into a role of royalty that I had not yet embraced.

"Now, tell me, sweet one, what is it that you desire?" A blush crept over me, not solely due to Boss's words, but also as the tension in the air began to dissipate.

 I could feel Boss's breath gently brushing against my lips, highlighting the closeness between us.

I took a small step back, a subtle retreat to shield, my flushed face and the telltale rhythm of my quickening heartbeat from Boss's discerning gaze and attentive ears.

Boss chuckled at my reaction, a sign that he had caught me red-handed, but graciously let it slide without teasing me. 

He ushered me into the store with a warm demeanor.

Throughout our shopping spree, Boss devoted his attention solely to me. Every choice, every selection, seemed to revolve around my preferences, and I was certain he harbored no expectations in return.

As we perused each store, Boss guided me with care, explaining the intricate details of each item. His thoughtful explanations ensured that I didn't miss a thing.

Whether it was selecting our wedding ring or choosing the perfect wedding suit for himself, Boss involved me in every decision.

He allowed me to pick my favorite wedding dress and entrusted me to keep it a secret, expressing a genuine desire to be captivated by my beauty on our special day.

In these moments, Boss's guidance wasn't just about shopping; it was a shared journey, a mutual exploration of tastes and desires.

His meticulous attention to detail and genuine consideration made the experience not just about the items we were selecting but about the connection we were building.

After our extravagant shopping spree, Boss led me to a fancy restaurant for dinner, where he ordered an abundance of dishes, insisting that I savor each one.

True to my promise to Ple, he made sure I indulged in every delicacy. We arrived home by 7 pm, Boss having personally dismissed his driver and driven me to my doorstep.

Upon reaching the gate, he gallantly opened the car door for me. The sound of him retrieving our wedding shopping bag and placing it beside me echoed in the quiet moment.

I couldn't deny the crimson flush that adorned my cheeks, resembling a ripe tomato, as the day's memories danced through my mind.

Despite the recent breakup caused by Boss's actions with Stop, an unexpected calm settled within me.

It hadn't even been a full day since Stop ended our relationship, yet the pain was strangely absent.

Perhaps it was the awareness that a future together was unlikely, or maybe the recent trust issues Stop introduced had decisively influenced my decision not to dwell on the past.

Lost in my thoughts, I felt Boss gently take hold of my hands, drawing me closer to him.

"Thanks for the day, sweet boy," Boss expressed his gratitude, but in truth, I felt compelled to thank him for the respite he provided from my stress.

There was a serene calmness that washed over me whenever he was in close proximity.

Despite a lingering trace of fear over him, I was certain that harm was not his intention, especially towards me and Ple.

"Thanks to you too," I whispered the words as a quiet acknowledgment, allowing the sentiment to linger in the air between us.

I felt the gentle tingle of his lips hovering over mine, a subtle tease that heightened my awareness of his towering presence. 

His physical strength was evident in the way he held me, making me feel small in comparison.

As his breath mingled with mine, a flurry of butterflies danced in my belly. Anticipating a kiss, I closed my eyes tightly, only to be met with a shift in his breath towards my cheeks. His lips finally landed there, and my eyes shot open in surprise when I heard his chuckle.

"Waiting for the kiss on your lips, sweet boy?" he teased, and I playfully hit his chest, earning a laugh in response.

His finger traced my lower lip, and he spoke, "I'm saving it for our wedding day, sweet boy." Blushing even more, I was pulled into a tight hug, which I reciprocated.

A throat-clearing sound interrupted our moment, undoubtedly Ple, prompting me to push Boss aside, attempting to conceal my embarrassment.

Ignoring Ple's presence, Boss swiftly planted a quick kiss on my cheek, intensifying my flush.

"Chaikamon!" I scolded Boss, prompting Ple to pull me protectively to her side.

"Come on now! You're already five minutes late, and allowing him to steal a kiss is utterly unacceptable, Eul!" Ple playfully chided both Boss and me, injecting a light-hearted tone into the moment.

Ple began gathering all the shopping bags, leading the way and leaving Boss behind.

Feeling his lingering presence, I turned back, offering him a smile. "Chaikamon, go home safely," I said before turning towards Ple, who guided me inside.

Just as we were about to enter, Boss's voice broke the silence of the night. "I love you, sweet boy! " he shouted, making me blush intensely.

I hurried inside with Ple, who teased me playfully all the way to my room.

Continuation awaits..

Hey Bonoh, I hope you enjoyed the story! Feel free to leave your comments and votes.

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