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"I-im sorry but I can't." I said shakily, knowing he would no doubt take back his offer on just handing me the job.

"Hm, can't what..?" He asked.

"Go out.... with you, I'm sorry I know we were supposed to go on a date before but I can't now."

"Oh.....any particular reason?" He asked, looking to the floor instead of at me now. His tone already loosing its upbeat sound.

"I'm kinda already dating someone right now..."

"Oh.....I see." He mutterd.

"Yeah, I'm sorry chan, you're very handsome and I'd say yes otherwise but y'know.."

"No, no I completely understand." He said calmly, taking another step closer to me.
"But just so you know, if you ever want to make your boyfriend mad.... I'll be happy to give you a raise." He smiled, gently placing my hand inside of his. My entire face feels like it's beet red. Ugh

"T-thanks for the offer...but please I-im already having a hard time.... staying abstinent, and-and that doesn't really help."

"I'm just holding your hand beautiful." He said, giving my palm a quick squeeze. "Y'know I stayed abstinent for a long time, but now that I'm not..... I've realized it's a lot more fun to just let go." He smirk.

"I-i really don't think I- we should, it's not fair to everyone else working h-here y'know."

"Eh, forgot about them.... I'll be happy to give you some extra money, if you'd like that?" He asked.

"I-i really don't need it-"

"Yes you do." He said plainly. "I can see how badly you need it." He said, placing his hand on my back and his other on my waist, guiding both our hands down the inside of my jeans.

"I-i don't remember you being like this c-chan." I stuttered out, completely in shock as he began stroking my hip.

"You didn't know me very well jeongin.....but we can get a lot more familiar right now, I'll lock my door and you can let me find every little thing about you." He whispered against my neck, beginning to kiss my skin before I could even respond.

"I-im sorry, I can't- I mean it's the middle of the day-"

"What does that matter..?" He asked, continuing to kiss me as he began to unbutton my shirt.

"I-i please.." I mumbled, but he didn't seem to slow down. He hushed me softly before he stepped backwards towards his desk, pulling me down into his lap.

"How long have you been without a man's touch, pretty boy?" He asked as he pulled my shirt off, throwing it to the side of the room before kissing my bare chest.

"I-i don't know, I-"

"That's ok...doesn't matter now." Me said, smirking against my skin. "I'll put an end to your little streak here, I know you were probably just begging for it to end, huh?" He said teasingly, straddling my thighs as he lifted me up.

"I-i was trying really hard." I mumbled, my eyes becoming watery.

"Aaaww, well clearly not that hard cutie, you don't even need this job....but you're still gonna let me fuck you, huh pretty boy." He asked, smiling up at me. I slowly nodded my head, my body was so hot and the feeling of his lips against my skin was making me dizzy.

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