The Truth Revealed

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"L-Loke?! I didn't summon you!" Lucy cried as she stepped out of the bathroom and saw Loke sitting on the bed. She had just finished taking a bath and was about to get dressed to meet Natsu and the others in the casino. Loke just chuckled and stood up, walking to the corner and turning his back on her. It was only when he moved that Lucy realized he was wearing a suit.

"You can change, I promise I won't look," He said simply, keeping his eyes on the wall. Lucy quickly put on a red dress and then told Loke she was decent.
He turned to her and smiled, "You look beautiful," He told her, making her blush.

She smiled at him, "Thanks. I take it you have something you want to talk about?"

He nodded. "I have to be careful. I can't say too much, because there are rules. But Lucy..." He walked over to her and took her hands. "... Look, I just wanted you to understand that..." He paused, thinking about how to carefully phrase what he wanted to say. "Lucy, I really meant what I said about being your knight in shining armor. I'll be here for you, always. Call on me whenever you need something." Lucy blushed, touched and confused. She looked into his green eyes and saw something there that made her heart race and made her dizzy.

"Loke....." She couldn't think of what to say. "... Would you like to come with me tonight? I'm meeting Erza and the others in the casino downstairs, but I'd really like it if you would be my escort." She smiled so warmly at him that he blushed as much as her. He let go of her hands and took a bow.

"I would be honored, Princess."

She giggled and curtsied before taking his arm as he offered it. "Then let's go!"
They walked down together, meeting their friends in the lobby. Erza smiled in approval seeing them arrive as though they were a couple, but knew the secret Lucy didn't. Gray and Natsu looked a little jealous and Happy immediately accused them of being in love, which made them both stammer and blush, swearing it wasn't like that. The others laughed at them. Loke looked at Erza's face and saw in her eyes that she knew what he couldn't bring himself to tell Lucy yet. What he was doing now was forbidden. Spirits were meant only to protect their owner, befriend them at most. But Loke had fallen in love with Lucy. He couldn't help it; he never wanted to leave her, even though staying in this world too long could kill him and nearly did, before Lucy saved his life. With that one act, being willing to trade her life for his, she had restored his faith in Celestial Wizards and the rest of humanity. But more than that, in that moment, the inevitable had happened. He could tell he was falling for Lucy Heartfilia the moment he met her, but in that moment, she had completely stolen his heart. And he couldn't have her. Laws forbid it.

Natsu and Grey went off to separate game tables while Erza accompanied Loke and Lucy to the bar to get something to eat. Loke pulled Lucy's chair out for her and ordered her favorite meal for her before she had the chance to sit down. She giggled and smiled at him. 'That smile,' Loke thought to himself, smiling back at her, 'I'd do anything to keep it on her beautiful face at all times.' He ordered his meal and started casually chatting with Lucy and Erza about random things. As they ate, he tried to pick up signals on if Lucy felt the same as him, but part of him hoped she didn't. He knew he'd have to break her heart if she did. He took a look around the area and he saw exactly what he'd been hoping for: a dance floor, with nothing but soft, slow, classical music. He smiled and turned back to Lucy, standing and offering a hand to her.

"Would you like to dance, Princess?" He asked with the same charming smile that made other girls melt, but it did more than just make Lucy melt. It made her lightheaded, caused her heart to race and her brain to stop functioning. She couldn't breathe. Finally, she composed herself and took his hand with a smile.

"I would love to," She said, standing and letting him lead her to the dance floor. He placed the hand that wasn't holding hers and her waist, pulling her close. She blushed and set her hand on his shoulder, looking nervous, not wanting to admit the truth. He moved his hand from her waist and touched her cheek.

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