Home in Neverland

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Loke woke up and smiled softly. Lucy was still sleeping soundly next to him. It had been six months since they left. He had asked Lucy to run away with him, because of a law forbidding Celestial Spirits like himself from being with their owners in anything more than a friendship, but Loke couldn't help it. Lucy had completely stolen his heart. He stood up and went into the kitchen, deciding to surprise his princess with breakfast in bed. As he got the ingredients together and started cooking, he remembered the night he asked her to run away. He used her favorite story, Peter Pan, saying she could be his Wendy if she'd let him be her Peter Pan, her lost boy. To his amazement, she had said yes. Since then, they had been very careful. He only returned to the Spirit World once a week to restore his life force and he'd found a spot the Celestial Spirit King was unable to see, so he had no idea where Loke was, or any of Lucy's Spirits for that matter. All of them were staying in the hidden place, not wanting to betray Lucy. But what she didn't know is that all of them were searching for a way around the law. He would do anything to be able to take her home and be with her without any fear. He finished cooking and set the food on a tray, carrying it to their room and setting on the nightstand. He shook Lucy gently and kissed her forehead.

"Lucy? Princess? It's time to wake up."

Lucy rolled over and yawned before opening her eyes and smiling at Loke. The past six months had been the best of her life, but she had to admit, when she let herself think about it, she missed the Fairy Tail guild and everyone in it. She knew contacting them was dangerous, because her and Loke were in hiding. They were certain the Magic Council knew about the law forbidding her relationship with Loke, and if they found out, they would surely come after them. Not to mention that the Celestial Spirit King was trying to find them already. She made herself stop thinking as Loke set the tray in her lap. She wondered if she should tell him what she recently discovered and wondered how he'd take the news.

"Thank you for breakfast, Loke," She said with a smile as she finished eating, "It was delicious." She sat the tray on the nightstand and chuckled softly as Loke wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his lap, burying his face in the crook of her neck. Lucy relaxed in his arms, curling into him so her head was resting on his shoulder.

"So, my dear Princess, what would you like to do today?" He asked her, smiling like he knew something she didn't. "Anything you want; the sky's the limit."

She smiled at him. "What's the occasion?" Loke's face morphed into an expression of amusement and surprise.

"Lucy, have you been keeping track of the days?" He chuckled when she shook her head. "It's your birthday, love."

Her jaw dropped. She hadn't even thought about it, but today was her birthday. Loke had apparently been keeping track much better than she had, otherwise she would have just let the day pass like any other. "Honestly, Loke, I have no idea. I would be fine with just a simple dinner." Loke chuckled.

"Well, we can have a nice dinner. Why don't we spend the rest of the day taking a walk around the town? We can do some shopping."

She nodded and they both got ready. But, something was still nagging Lucy. Should she tell Loke? Or let it wait another day or two? She shook it off for now, walking hand-in-hand with Loke. They just walked around, enjoying a beautiful day together. They visited some of the local shops and even watched a street show. A fire mage was showing off some of his techniques. Lucy enjoyed the show, but she couldn't help but feel a little upset. It made her miss Natsu and the others. Loke pulled her away when he saw her face and led her to a small cafe for lunch. He picked a table outside and pulled her chair out for her. When she sat down, he went inside to order for them. After a few minutes, she heard a familiar voice behind her.

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