𝟖. 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐀𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐚𝐧

626 90 61

* Hello everyone hope you all are doing well
"Happy New Year " to all of you.

* I just want to say one who haven't voted on previous chapters please go and vote, it won't take long.

* for further updates you can follow me on wattpad and instagram too.

"Mishikaaaa" - i heard Ahana and it dragged me to reality, I was standing in middle of the road and truck was about to hit me but someone dragged me to footpath and it was Ahana

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"Mishikaaaa" - i heard Ahana and it dragged me to reality, I was standing in middle of the road and truck was about to hit me but someone dragged me to footpath and it was Ahana.

"Have you gone mad , where were you going?" - she yelled and hugged me tightly.

"I saw him" - a lone tear escaped my eye.
"Whom??" - she asked.

"Vi.. Vi..." - i stammered.
"Shhh calm down mishu, no one was there, no one knows that we are here, so  he can't come" - she calmed me.

The next day :-

"Kabir sir called you both in his cabin" - jeffery kabir sir's secretary informed as soon we both sat on our desks. when we reached his cabin lily and Joseph were already present there.

"You all have to collect the data of our guest whom we have served in past 5 years, CEO has asked for it" - sir informed us.

"But it can be collected by only one person" - lily stated.

"Listen to me first, he want that data in papers. Arrange complete data properly, avoid mistakes. Now you all can go" - saying this he dismissed all of us.

"What is this when data is available online why the hell he need that on papers" - Joseph huffed.

"Can't do anything with it, we'll have to do it"- Ahana stated.

Our half of the day went in completing files and it wasn't even half of the work and it was time for lunch.

"Aren't you both coming to cafeteria for lunch" - Joseph asked.
"We have brought our lunch with us so we can have it here."

The food served here is good for other people not for me, I am still stuked with my desi one.

"Oh common join us for dinner we would love to try Indian cuisine" - lily smiled.
"OK let's go"

As we entered into lift it beeped. "It is full" - lily said.  "You guys will go, I will take another one" - I said and came out from it.

I was waiting outside and lift opened and I saw that person whom I did not want to see at all. MY DEAR BOSS (please consider sarcasm 🙃).

"Oh No not this man again" - it came from my mouth randomly and I bit my tounge.

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