Musco-skeletal pain

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Third Person POV

Taehyung felt nauseated, but he knows that it was his nerves which were acting up.

Yes! He has to go to the hospital where he already got appointment with the Orthopaedic doctor Dr.Kim Namjoon, who is very nice yet strict.

Apart from him , his boyfriend is also a duty doctor there who is going finish the internship and become a doctor real soon.


Taehyung had fell down the stairs many years back and fractured his hip bones .  His lower back to thigh muscles were in bad condition, but after treatment and surgery he was doing good, yet sometimes pain occurs and he has to exrercise and go for physical therapies for 4 days a week, until said otherwise by the therapist.

A year back, sciatica pain hit him since his routine wasnt balanced and so he had to go to doctor while getting the injection for piriformis through utlrasound imaging.

It was intense for him, yet Dr.Namjoon along with Jungkook made it little bit tolerable for him.
It is still nightmare to Taehyung and Jungkook though.

The screams, sobs and pain for first three days after the shots and the pain while going for physio therapy is still a ugly nightmare.

That is why Jungkook atmost makes sure, he doesnt skip any of his therapies or exercise session.
For past few months, Jungkook wasnt living with Taehyung. He was living with his grandmom to take care of her until she seems alright since his grandpa couldnt take care of her fully , single handedly.

So Jungkook makes sure to call him and meet him sometime and keep tab on him.


The thing is, these few months Taehyung had stopped going to the therapies and doing the exercise because apparently he thought that he was totally fit and fine.

But a week ago, light pain started around his hips, and then went through his spine.
Just 2 days ago, his hip, butt and thigh muscle all ached severly and today his spine too.

He tried to exercise and relax yet it had only aggreviated the pain and hence he booked the appointment.

Taehyung pov--------



Babe!! You didnt tell me that you booked appointment with Namjoon hyung?? Why didnt you tell me about your pain to me. Am i making you uncomfy??

I sighed! Ofcourse Jungkook loved his mentor soo much just like how his mentor adores him.

Should have thought before booking an appointment. Im reallly reallly scared to face him and-------
the thought of what i went through during piriformis injection is almost making me puke.

I just dont want to undergo that again!!


Kookie.. I can never be uncomfy with you. I love you soo much.
And, i got sudden pain, so yeah!
Thought of texting you later, but you were fast as usual darling!! Aishhhhh you bunny! ;)

My hands were sweaty. I am pretty sure, he doesnt believe me but atleast I tried. Cant really tell him how scared i am or else he will get to know my fears and also pamper me soo much that the anticipation of this will sky rocket and that wont do any good for people like me who is just a second away from running and never get checked up.



Mhmm!! Love you darling. Im soo sorry that you are in pain and i could not do anything right now. Just please call me when you are at the hospital okay???
Dont worry about anything. Im going to be there and nothing would go wrong. Sudden pains can be easily treated. Your hubs got you love and you have Namjoon hyung wrapped around your pinky, so you are luckkkkkkyyy my baibe<3

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