☆ Cold ♢ (¿Xmas Special?)

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(MERRY CHRISTMAS!!(this is probably not going out on Xmas...) HOW IS EVERYONE?! Idk how I am man I'm tired that's what I am💀💀 but I probably won't be tired when this comes out 🤷‍♀️ whatever.. anywho- tysm for 2.5k+ ALREADY!! WHERE ARE YOU PEOPLE COMING FROM 😨 *cough* anyway.. I should get onto shout outs- and give you the crumby ah- chapter you all deserve 😍😍 @EllaButCallMe_E , @Inurshadow , @Raininnit846 , @Willowsprinkles , @Imsolonely12345678910 (did I get it...?(im so sorry for spelling it wrong 😭😭)) , evqq_bt , MoonStar (@xXxblglxXx) , @Aub_ME , @Aphmau_rulz12345 , and.. @sxnny-dxys (I welcome you with open arms and I hope you enjoy my sh1t books =D) THATS ALL AND I HOPE YOU ENJOY!!)(OKAY ITS BEEN A HOT MINUTE SINCE OUR LAST LEMON.. SO- next chapter 😘😘)(smut.. will be coming up eventually 💀💀💀💀 it's gonna.. SUCK I've been practicing though so.. maybe not- BUT THATS STILL A LITTLE MOMENT AWAY..!)(I'm not sure how much of an 'Xmas Special' this is but whatever 💀💀 take it or leave it ppl)(🚨There will be some silly neck kissing 😘🚨)(‼️and I tiny baba lemon since it's been so long-MERRY XMAS XD🚨)
(Enjoy ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️)

*~Eins POV~*

Pierce walks up behind me and looks out of the door.

"What?! This early in the month?!" He says

"I guess!" I replied

"If you're still going outside side.. you better bundle your ass up!" He said

"I don't need to!!" I smiled

"What do you mean.. I'm fucking freezing standing right here!" Pierce reply's

"I got used to it! The cold doesn't really affect me anymore!.." I said

"How?" He asked

"Eh.. do I have to say?" I reply making that one face..
then Pierce knows it can't necessarily be a good thing- and saying 'I got used to it'...

"Yeah now you do!" He said crossing his arms,

I close the door and look at him,

"Lovely... please??" I say, grabbing his hand.

("Look.. I just want to get a better understanding—And if it has to do with your dad... I'll hunt down his spirt, make him alive again, then Re-Kill him :)" what I would've said Frfr 😔🚨)

"Hey, if you don't want to you don't have to.. but- please at least go out n a long sleeve.. maybe tights? And not a V-neck, and sweat pants?" Pierce sighed

"Fine—.. and- uh...thank you.. for- uhm, earlier and—I'm sorry.. for the- 'inconvenience' and the 'dramatic response' I just need.. a minute.." I apologize.

"It wasn't and 'inconvenience' or a 'dramatic response' just next time.. talk to me- or.. say something, that worried me! But.. I'm not upset! And there's nothing to be sorry for, My love." He said, then he kissed my cheek.

"Oh and one more thing!" He said

"Huh?" I ask

"I don't trust this neighborhood.. for shit- and especially since that... I'm coming out with you!" Pierce says

"Alright!" I shrug, then walk over to the bedroom closet with Pierce.

*(After they get changed)*

Me and Pierce walked out of the front door and watched on the 'patio' like thing.. we gazed at the falling snow, and fallen snow!! I haven't seen snow in ten months!! Wonderful, I don't love snowy days... but they're cool—Literally!

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