Chapter 3: The escape part 2

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Luna's perspective:

I woke up. The light from the bulb hurt my eyes when I opened them. I hid in something big and hard to stop the pain. Did I fall asleep to it? What is that? Wait, where is Lucifer? When I tried to get up, I didn't notice that my legs were still numb and I fell. I fell slightly but heard a rough groan escaped from his mouth and a husky voice saying. "Oh for fucks sake."
Lucifer? I opened my eyes, just to see that I landed on Lucifer, cross-legged, directly on his crotch. "What's the issue with you and my dick lately?" I looked up and saw that Lucifer is already looking at me. We both made eye contact and I immediately got off. "I'm sorry I-" "No biggie." He stood up and stretched his waist. I stretched a bit and caught him looking at me. He had that Irresistible look in his eyes and a smirk. "Slept good?" "Yes. Really good actually. I kinda wanna sleep again." "If you keep sleeping like this, we'll be out of here in a month or two" "Wait, were still not yet?" "Does it look like the outside world to you?" Now I fully woke up. He reached his hand out. "Come on let's go." He picked me up and we started walking. "What did you do to be so tired and slept so long?" Lucifer asked. "Nothing much." Nothing much except Repairing cars, studying for five oral tests, making coffee for uneducated idiots for 7 hours, and pole dancing from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. which gave me sores. "Just normal Work stress. You wouldn't understand." "I wouldn't understand? You know I have a job too right?" I turned to him. "Killing people for money is not a job." "Of course it's a-" "But I don't blame you for doing it. In this world you can only survive with these precious pieces of paper with numbers on them and no one with normal common sense would think of hiring the mummy that ask them for a job. If you're lucky maybe the freak show has a place available for you." I turned around and continued walking leaving Lucifer with a question Mark in his head.

Lucifer's perspective:
Did she just called me a mummy? "Hey tf do you mean by that." She didn't answer me and kept walking. "Answer me! Hey!"

Luna's perspective:
He just kept complaining and complaining about what I said without a break. After a while I just stopped listening. Oh God is he still talking? "I don't understand why you just won't tell me what do you meant by that, it's not even that hard..." bla bla bla. He's the kind of person who just won't let go. Kinda cute. He's acting like a noisy kid. I don't think I've ever seen him like that since I know him. I couldn't help it and laughed a little. As soon as I did, he went quiet and looked at me. "Did you just laugh?" I stopped leaving a long silence between us. I shouldn't have laughed. "I couldn't help it." "It's... It's beautiful." "What?" "Your laugh is so beautiful." It feels strange to receive compliments. Nobody used to give me compliments. What should you do when you get compliments? Smile? Shake hands? "Ok." I walked faster. Was that cold of me? Oh god how embarrassing. He could've just kept that compliment to himself! What he probably thinks of me now. He probably thinks I'm rude, inconsiderate and cold. I should have just said thank you or smiled. How could I be so stupid?!

Lucifer's perspective:
She probably never received a compliment before. she's even walking faster now. I stopped walking and shook my head. "This girl" I have this warm feeling inside me again. Deep in my soul. "Damn. This girl is really changing me." Suddenly when I looked at her, I saw her hitting her head with her fists several times. I ran to her and grabbed her hands. "The fuck happened?" "I'm a problem!" "What? You're not-" "I am! I'm not normal!" She tried to let go of my grip but I held it. "Luna you fucking-" All the swearings that came to my mind. All the things I wanted to scream to her, I couldn't. 'Be nice to her' was all that could be thought of. For the first time in my life I didn't say what I wanted, I said what could help her. "Feels awkward to get your first compliment right?" "How would you know?" "Oh I know. Come on now, let's walk."
It has been a while since I had a long conversation with somebody and it was a great feeling to have it. "The first time I ever got a compliment was from an old lady. It was in winter at a bus stop. I wore a leather jacket, an undershirt and boots. I blew on my hands, hoping to get warmer and that's when an elderly lady gave me her hand warmers. She said, “You should put on some warmer clothes! A handsome young man like you surely has something warmer to cover up with.” After that  I just took off running." I looked at him. "Why?" "I don't know. I guess I was too confused to handle the situation." The more we talked, the more I understood him. The whole time I thought he was just perverted and crazy. He still is, but also, he just needs help. Since the age of 12 he has been on his own and since then he has had to teach himself everything. To care for one another, to talk formal, to get food, and to survive. To this day he still cannot do some things such as reading, writing or arithmetic. No wonder he's always swearing. He just doesn't know any better. "Being on your own at such a young age must have been difficult." "I was always on my own. With or without parents. With or without guardians." There was a silence between us again. "What about you?" "You already know about my childhood. Everybody who knows my father knows." "I heard a little, everybody heard a little. But I wanna hear it from the person herself, the one who they talked about." Fuck. My childhood was a total disaster. They probably told him the same thing they told the others. An only child who's been trained to kill since the day I could walk. I took a deep breath and just spoke out. "It was messy. I can't remember everything because I used to bang my head against the wall so hard to not remember anymore but the things I do remember are messy. Since I was born I was taught to kill. Some parents gave their children love and gifts on their birthday. They had birthdays. I had to earn them. They say my mother belonged to a top secret clan from Italy but in reality my mother was a street hooker working for the family business who was sold by her father and fell in love with her favorite customer. She is an addict and has become thinner and uglier since then. My father didn't like that, so he used to beat her daily from head to toe until he slept with other hookers. It was a real shame that my mother took drugs because she was such a beautiful woman. She could have been an actress or a model. Her beauty could not be overlooked. But she had a bad character. She blamed me for taking drugs and always told me how much she hated me. It was hell in this house. I always liked it when a visitor came. Even if I didn't liked the visitor I still enjoyed their presence, because as soon as someone came in, the cheating father and the crack mother turned into a loving mafia couple. Those were the only times I felt that we could be a real family. But as soon as the people walked out the door everything was normal again. The only person who was nice to me all these years was my brother." "Your brother? I thought you were an only child." "That's what my father made everyone believe. My parents locked him in the basement so no one would see him and he was only allowed out once a month." "Why did they kept him in there? Didn't he wanted two children?" "My brother had down syndrome and my father thought that people knowing he had an disabled child would ruin his reputation that's why he kept it a secret. They didn't even considered him as their son. They fed him like an animal and he had no lights in the basement. That made him afraid of the dark. Whenever someone came in he would panic because he didn't knew who it was so we had to invent a code so he wouldn't hurt me accidentally. He was such a kind and caring person. He didn't deserve everything that was done to him. There was one night I heard screaming from the basement. I rushed over and saw him tied up on a chair. My mom torturing him with hot water. I screamed at her but she didn't stop. I screamed so loudly that I closed my eyes, covered my ears and sat down on the floor. Then my mother took a knife and... Forget it." He turned his head. "You can't just say forget it after such a twisted story. Tell me what happened." My eyes began to water. My throat started to feel heavy. Fuck i'm gonna cry. Lucifer saw it in my eyes and made me stop walking. He walked in front of me and my legs couldn't take it anymore. Instead of feeling the cold ground, I felt his warm arms. "Lucifer I..." "Shh... I got you." "Lucifer..." He was completely quiet. He didn't look at me or himself. His heartbeat wasn't fast either. "If you want, you can cry in my arms, if you want, you can take out all the frustration you have inside of you on me. I do not mind." The feeling I have right now is so indescribable. Nobody has ever said that to me. I looked at him and cried. I didn't stop. I cried so bitterly that my tears started to get warm. He held me tighter and I cried on his whole chest. "My mother literally slaughtered him! Afterwards I had to throw away the garbage bags while he was inside in the trash. After that, I was never allowed to tell anyone about it and if I did, she would have done the same to me" "Did your father said anything?" "He didn't care, he never came to him anyway." I sobbed. "He deserves better so much better Lucifer. He didn't deserved to be slaughtered, he did nothing wrong!" He stroked my hair, tucking them behind my ears. "That's something completely normal for a mafia daughter. I'm definitely exaggerating, aren't I?" I gave him a hurtful smile. "Luna that's fucked." He looked me in the eyes. "You know that's fucked, right?" I cried even more. I really didn't wanted to at the moment but right now I just can't control myself with my feelings. Oh how long I've held that cry deep inside me. "Oh Luna." He wiped my tears away. "Luna look at me" My eyes were red. "Don't cry. If you cry, you let them win. Don't let them win." He said. I cleaned my nose and chuckled. "Who would have thought a mummy like you could give such great advices" "Who thought a doll like you could cry that pretty." I could see in his eyes that something wasn't right for him. He looked so concerned. Fuck those eye pain. I rubbed my eyes hard until Lucifer stopped me. My eyes were completely red and swollen. "Look at what you've done to yourself." He reached out to his bag and handed me a bottle of water. "Rinse your eyes with it. The pain will go away."

A few minutes later:
After rinsing, my eyes felt better and I could see more clearly. But I didn't see Lucifer. "Lucifer?" I shouted his name louder but he didn't responded. I took a few steps further and stumbled screaming before Lucifer grabbed me and let me fall lightly into his lap. "For a well-trained, you would be dead long ago without me." "Why didn't you answer me when I called you?" "Why did you called out for me. You think I'd let you here all alone?" He sights. "I'm tired let us stay here a little." "You are tired?" "Yes Luna, I get tired too. If you wanna go you can go. I'll catch up with you later." I sat down in front of him and he already slept.

Moments later:
I opened my eyes and yawned. Why do I fall asleep so easily? I heard a burp. Lucifer. He was awake before me and was already looking at me. A bottle was in his hand. Is he drinking alcohol? "Where did you get that?"

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