Chapter 6

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I cleared my throat as my feet padded across my wood flooring and then onto my carpet before I climbed onto my bed. 

"How the hell did you pee so fast?" Lexi asked me as she raised an eyebrow. Drew was focused on something on my wall and I was awkwardly trying to think of an answer to Lex. 

"Turns out, I didn't have to go." That was a complete lie. I honestly felt like my bladder was going to explode. 

"Well, I think that I should maybe go..." Lexi told me as she stood up and moved the other side of my room.

"You literally got here like 10 minutes ago?" I asked throwing my arms into the air and back onto the bed.

"I just remember I have to do this thing... I have a family emergency my dad told me about, yeah. Sorry I but I got to go." after she grabbed her purse and walk in the door she turned around and winked and I was mentally cursing at her. 

Drew and I sat in silence and I heard the door shut downstairs, indicating Lexi had left. I smiled up at Drew and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear hoping he would say something first. 

After a few more moments of awkward silence Drew decided to speak up, "well, that's awkward." 

"What?" I asked, just being grateful he spoke up. 

"Lexi seems to think I have, crush on you." Drew crinkled his nose and I could tell he was wishing he could pull those words back into his mouth. 

"Drew...why are you being so weird about it? We've known each other for our entire lives..." I trailed off trying to filter through my thoughts. 

"Well, yeah. But liking each other and really liking each other are two different things..." 

"Yeah, that's a good point, I guess...Be honest with me Drew; do you like me?" I was practically an adult and quivering at the fear of finding out his answer.

"Addie, I love a friend. As more than a friend, I don't know. I think we both know that there's always been something between us. Adeline, you mean the world to me. You have been there for me when I felt like my world was crashing down. Of course I like you... God I feel like a sixth grader, but do you like me?" 

I got up and walked across my room and set down on the couch next to Drew, "of course I like you. I have always known I liked you more than a friend Drew. I have just been too scared to tell you. I mean I even had a crush on you when we were little; running around between our backyards playing tag. It's always been you. Lately I haven't been fighting the feeling so much. I don't know but I'm tired of pretending I don't like you." 

"Wow...Addie I have wanted you to say that for so long." Drew let out a long breath and leaned his head against the wall behind him.

"So, what do we do now?" I asked blinking a few times and picking at a hang nail. 

"I- I don't know." 

"Oh." I said standing up from the couch. I went over to one of my dressers to grab a sweatshirt; as a sudden chill came over me. 

"I could take you out on a date?" Drew asked standing up in front of me, a smile spreading across his face.

"Okay." I said smiling back at him, "when?" 

"Tonight. 6 sound good?" His eyes lit up and I was I was getting excited. 

"Alright! Shit, it's taken 18 years to ask me on a date Drew; you better make it good." I added a wink at the end so he knew I was kidding and gave a nervous laugh.

"Well, I'm a little rusty but I'll try. I better get going, I have no idea what we're gonna do." I joined him in his laughter and gave him a reassuring smile. 

"I'd be okay with pizza and a movie." 

"Don't tempt me. That would ease my pressure right now." He continued to laugh slightly.

"No, I'm serious. It doesn't have to be special Drew. Order a pizza and I'll be over at 6." 

Worry disappeared off his face and wrapped his arms around me and gave me a hug, "thanks Addie. See you then." He released me and waved goodbye as he headed out of my room. 

I jumped up and down like a child, but I didn't care. I was ecstatic. It finally happened, Drew and I were having a date. I don't even care that it's the same thing we've been doing our whole lives. It's a date. 

I picked up my phone and texted Lexi. I knew she would be mad if I didn't tell her now. 

Okay Lexi so Drew and I are having a "date" tonight. Don't freak out. But your plan worked. 


You are such a mess! I'll text you after. I'm going over to his house around 6 so idk when It'll be over. 

Lexi: What are you all doing? BESIDES MAKING OUT

Oh my God Lexi stopppppp. NOW. It's out first date. Chill out. And we're ordering pizza and watching movies. 

Lexi: So what you do every other Saturday night?


Lexi. Booooo. Well gtg give me the deats as soon as you get home... if you come home tonight ;)


I locked my phone to stop myself from blushing. The rest of the afternoon was going to go by so slow. I can't wait until 6 o'clock rolls around. 


okay so it's been 4 months since I've updated and this isn't a good update but its an update so yeah. Vote and I won't take as long ;) hahahahah Hope you like it some-what. I can't wait for the next few chapters! 

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