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A$AP Rocky
|◁ II ▷|

Shuji s house because they were going to watch Cast Away and Shujis house was very close to Julie's house so both me and Lana were in my brothers car heading to Shuji a house to pick him and Evan up. Melo, and Li were going to watch it with them Eli was going to watch with them but he said he wanted to hang out with his friends

"Are we almost thereeee" I groan and lay on the car seat "chill out Stella my gosh" Li says not looking back at me from the passengers seat, I just look at the car ceiling and immediately ask Mello "can you open the window on top of the car mellooo" I ask and he presses a button without saying anything and it opens, me and Lana stick out our heads out the car and enjoy the fresh air and then I feel a tap on my leg "we're almost there asshat" Liam says "at Julie's house?" I ask not opening my eyes "yeah we are going to pick up Shuji and Evan and then we'll go to Julie's house drop you off and then go watch Cast Away" Liam says and I just nod and say "Kay"

Me and Lana soon put ours heads back to the car and start talking smack about people "bro did you see what Rebecca larives did?"Lana asks "oh my gosh what did she do this time?" I ask looking at her "well she thought it was going to be funny to say that the 9th graders are trash and especially Dustin and Alex because their hoes or something and the next day she came back to school all beat up and guess by who?" I look at her with wide eyes and we didn't even notice the car stopping "who?" I hear a voice and we both look over and see Evan and Shuji going into the car and I had to sit on Lana's lap because it didn't fit all 4 of us, it was fine since Julie's house was like 4 streets away. I was sitting with my back on the door and my feet on shujis lap. "By Dustin's AND Alex's sister," Lana says looking over at Shuji and Evan, "oh yeahhhh they were talking to me about smth like that" I laugh and see we are at Julie's house so I open the doer and jump off Lana's lap.

"Bye shit heads" I stuck my tongue out and turned to Julie's house door I texted her saying that I'm here with Lana and soon enough I heard footsteps to the door, Julie opened the door and we both went inside smiling.


"Bro I'm so happy" I say smiling while I lay down on Julie's bed looking up at the ceiling smiling like crazy "What happened" Julie asks spinning in her rolly chair, while Lana was fixing her makeup "because I kinda like Shuji..." I say blushing and kicking my feet "we made out and all when I snuck out to his house but we are still talking can you believe that he gave me a rose after the band and chores show? It was so sweet of him to do that I kissed him on the cheek and after dinner with my family at home I snuck out and we talked and all I just like him so mu-" I said giggling and my face was tomato red but Lana then interrupted me "why didn't he ask you to be his girlfriend already?" Lana asks putting on her mascara "I don't know maybe he's not ready to ask me yet and wants to talk to me more?" I say and Julie stops spinning and looks at me "Broo he's a coward then" Julie says going back to spinning in the chair and Lana says "well why wouldn't he be a coward I mean look at her Julie, she's gorgeous" Lana says pointing to me "and plus her brothers would absolutely kill him" she says and Juli nods agreeing with everything she just said "true true, her whole family would kill him AND her" Julie says laughing a bit" Lana just shakes her head laughing a bit "I wonder what my man is doing rn" I say giggling and smiling "so you really like him, And not for shit and giggles like Dustin?" Julie says and I groan "Dustin was kind of a red flag tbh" Lana says "I knew him in elementary and middle school and he was kinda boring and he took everything as a joke" Lana finishes "yeah but he's actually really sweet and stuff he's boyfriend material tbh" I say and we go quiet for a bit "I wonder when my man is coming back home"

"I can't believe your parents didn't catch you they are so strict but sweet they let you do stuff only if you have good grades" Julie says "yeah they let me do anything I want as long as I have good grades I got grounded for a year when I got ISS" I laugh a bit "that was the first time they kept my phone for what they actually ment they were going to take it away because Usually she tells me I'm grounded for a week and gives it to me the next day" Lana laughs a bit and stands up "I'm done what should we do?" She asks us and jumps on the bed with me "my mom ordered pizza for us if yall want?" I stand up immediately "les goooo" I say and march out the door Lana laughs and follows marching behind me while Julie just rolls her eyes and goes outside with us "I can't wit yall" she just laughs and we eat pizza.

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