Baby Makes Three

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38 weeks pregnant
July 24th, 2025
Travis's POV
I'm downstairs making dinner for Taylor. She's upstairs napping. This pregnancy has caused her major fatigue and she wants to nap constantly, but I am completely fine with that because we could have a baby literally any day now and she needs to get some rest. It's currently Thursday.

6 PM
I walk into the room with a tray of food and drinks for us and she is sleeping so peacefully, her leg and arm draped over her pregnancy pillow and her bump on full display as she was wearing shorts and a sports bra. I set the food down and very gently start waking her up. "Hey baby. I need you to wake up and eat something for me" I say, gently nudging her awake. She whines. "It smells really good. I need to pee first" she said. I grab her hands and help her sit up. "You ready?" I ask as she braces herself. "Not really" she says, shaking her head. I help her stand up off the bed. "Oooooh. This gets harder by the damn day" she says, holding onto her lower belly and hurrying to the bathroom. I start arranging the pillows in a way I know she'll be comfortable. "Babe!" she yells. I run to the bathroom so fast. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. Uhhhh I hope this doesn't gross you out, but I lost my mucus plug" she says, showing me. "Really?! That means she can come at any time!!!" I say. "I hope it's soon. Everything hurts" she says. "I know, baby. I hope it's soon too" I say. I help her up and pull her shorts up for her. We go sit on the bed and I pass her a bowl of the pasta I made. "Your daughter approves of the pasta, babe" she says. I smile. After we finish eating, I go down to wash the dishes.

11 PM
Taylor's POV
"I'm so glad I have my appointment tomorrow. Wish you could come" I say. "I know. Wish I could come too. You be extra good for mommy tomorrow, okay?" he says, rubbing my belly. He lifts my shirt to kiss my bump. "She's sassing you, daddy" I say to Travis. He puts his hand on my belly again and she's going crazy. "Aye settle down. It's time for mommy and daddy to go to sleep" he says. He talks to her for several minutes and she finally calms down a bit. We turn out our lights and go to sleep.

The next day
Taylor's POV
Travis has mandatory football practice today and I have an appointment with my OB/GYN.

2 PM
"So how you feeling?" my doctor asked. "So ready to have this baby" I said. "I bet. How's daddy feeling about it?" she asked. "Oh my god, he's so excited. He cries just thinking about her. I can only imagine how it's gonna be when she's actually here" I say. "That's the cutest thing I've ever heard. Do you have any questions for me?" she asked. "Uhhhh...when's the soonest you can induce me?" I ask. "Well, I'm gonna do a cervical exam just to see if you're dilated and we'll go from there. Sound good?" she asked. I nod. She leaves so I can change into an exam gown and I put my feet in the stirrups and wait on her to come back. She knocks before entering. "Alright, I'm sorry in advance, this is gonna be a little uncomfy" she says. She checks my cervix and I wince in pain. "Alright so you're 2 centimeters and about 90% effaced. I'm gonna hold off on scheduling an induction because if I had to guess, she'll be coming literally within days. I'd be surprised if you last 3 more days actually. She's sitting pretty low too, which is really good because it usually means quicker delivery" she said. "Cool. Thanks!" I say. I finish up at the doctors office and head back home.

6 PM
I'm sitting on the couch, swollen feet propped up, rubbing my belly when Trav walks in. He runs over to me and wraps his arms around me from behind, kissing my cheek. "How was practice?" I ask him. "Fuck talking about practice. How was your appointment?" he asked. "Well...we're gonna have a baby soon. As in the next few days soon..." I say. He comes around the couch to sit down and pulls my feet into his lap to rub them. "That feels amazing, you have no idea. They're so swollen and they hurt" I say. "I'm sorry baby. Tell me more about your appointment" he says. "Well, she checked my cervix and we're 2 centimeters dilated and 90% effaced. I told her about the contractions I've been having and she definitely thinks she's coming within the next few days so she's gonna hold off on inducing me because she thinks my water will break on its own" I say. "We're gonna have a baby soon" he says, smiling from ear to ear. "Real soon" I say. He rubs my feet for a few more minutes. "Ughhhhh I need a bubble bath or something" I say. "I'm gonna go make you one right now" he says, leaning in to kiss me. "You'll get in with me right?" I ask him. "Baby, I'm all sweaty and gross from practice" he replies. "Okay" I say, looking sad. "Oh you know how to get your way every time, don't you? Of course I'll get in with you. Give me a few minutes and I'll let you know when it's ready" he says, kissing me again before disappearing to our bedroom.

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