Getting to know him..(3)

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I am so so SO sorry i have not updated in the past 3 days but here i am now!THE PICTURE IS SHAW SO without further ado,chappie 3!!!! SEE U LATR PUPS!!
(this chapter includes no intro lyrics because its a continuation of chapter 2)

 Recap :"Ding dong Ding dong", I sat up and ran to the door ,"Shaw,Der-" ,i stopped mid sentence seeing who was standing next to Shaw looking mildly confused but still sexy as hell.
Cage Jackson.
I froze staring at him,my eyes rapidly widening as my gaze filtered over to Shaw,who smiled weakly. "Uhm Winter this is cousin." Without thinking i reached out and yanked him in."I'm going to kick your sorry ass" i hiss at him then wave Cage in. 
He walks in glancing around for a second before his chocolate brown eyes land on me. He gave a nod before extending his hand. "Hi,i'm Cage." blushing furiously i shook his hand,"W-Winter." i mumble before looking at Shaw. "Well come on then." 
leading them up the stairs i walk over to Derek's room seeing him half-asleep i chuckle and wake him up,"Der? Shaw's here!" i say brightly watching as he smiled and opened his arms,"Shaw!" he cried,i giggled when Shaw hugged him tightly. "I'll make you some soup okay?" I watch as Derek nods eagerly quite happy. We all exit the room and Shaw wanders off to make Derek's promised soup. I head to the couch and sit down,Cage joining me. 
" you always stay home and take care of your brother when he's sick?" Cage asks,i shiver at the delicious tone of his voice before nodding silently. 
"Normally i wouldn't stay home but he can't exactly think straight when he's sick" i say softly,barely making any eye contact with Cage at all. "Hm..okay then. Do you take Art?" i look up and nod,"Yeah it's my 5th period." i say happily smiling widely. I loved art!! The way that i got to express myself in a different way made me quite happy and honestly,if i had to choose between TV and Art,Art would win. "You love art,eh?" blushing i lean back feeling myself become relaxed. "Yeah,there's nothing i like doing more." Not even dancing.. i think and smile a little. "Watcha smiling for,cutie?" Cage asks a teasing tone in his voice making my head snap up,"EH!?" i squeak out my face bright red.
"I AINT CUTE! IM SEXY!" i yell without thinking, noticing his amused smirk i stand up. "Gonna go help Shaw." i mumble and walk to the kitchen.

Stepping in i notice Shaw hard at work making the soup for my brother,walking over i start helping knowing exactly what to do. "Did he embaress you or did he say something and you emberresed yourself?" i smile and hold up two fingers. Hearing Shaw laugh,i simply roll my eyes chuckling along softly. "Yeah.." i say softly as we finish and let it sit for a bit before heading upstairs to take it to Derek. "Here Derek." Shaw says softly as he starts feeding him making me laugh softly,before stepping out of the room. I go back downstairs and notice Cage pacing angrily.
"Cage? Everything alright?" I ask my brows furrowing together as he stops and gazes at me for a second before his whole body relaxes and he nods limply. Without thinking i grab his hand and take him to the kitchen and serve him a bowl of soup.
"Here" i say softly and place it in front of him watching as he eats it quietly. "What happened?" i ask softly as he glances up at me for a few seconds before going back to his bowl. "Uhm something with my dad's job." he murmurs and i nod knowing better to keep asking. If i do keep asking there's no way of knowing that Cage won't get mad and hurt me. Simple logic here guys. I watch him as he finishes eating and i take the bowl from him and head to the sink to wash it.
After washing the bowl i set it to dry and turn around,only to notice that Cage is staring at me with an unreadable expression. That's scary..i found it easy to read people,it came naturally to me. I bit my lip awkwardly and he looked away. "Does Shaw always visit when Derek is sick?" he asks and i sit down across from him. "Yeah,even when he's not sick. Poor Shaw's  in love with Derek." The second 'love' escaped my lips Cage was staring at me,making me turn red. Oh gawd my poor heart! I look down silently.

"How can you tell?" he asks softly and i look up. "It's obvious how he's always willing to help and how he absolutely cares and acts about and to him." i state. "Oh.." i frown in confusion. "Everything alright?" i ask and he looks at me. "Actually..when i broke up with Stephanie she spewed all this crap about loving me,i found myself denying everything that came out of her mouth. She never acted loving or caring towards me and when she did it was only for her family and friends. Honest to god,i think she only kept me around for things that included presents or for looking good in front of everyone." He admits making my eyes widen.
"Did you like her?" i find myself whispering making him smile at me sadly which truly was heart breaking.
"Yes i did" he leans back and rubs his face for a second,"She was always so nice and kind to everyone  always helping out everyone. It was a plus that she was beautiful,but then...i found out the truth. It was all an act. She hated helping people and being nice. It was as if...she became a stranger. Not the person i had come to know and care for." he murmurs and i watch as tears fill his beautiful orbs. And then do i truly see what a strong,sincere person Cage Jackson is...even to a complete stranger like myself. It takes a truly strong person to admit all those things.
word count:1003
YAYAYAYAY SO PROUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Alright its pretty late here so goodnight/goodmorning my pups! LOVE YA BAII

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