Kabanata 29

398 24 11


Diovann's POV

"Enough!" My voice cut through her pleas like a cold wind. "Our family? Katarina, let’s not pretend—our family has been broken for a long time! Even if you try to fix it now, it won't matter. It’s too late! You can't rebuild this family, especially since you were the one who destroyed it!" My words filled the room, leaving a heavy silence between us.

"What else do you want me to do, Dio?!" Her voice was desperate, her eyes pleading. "I’m doing everything to change, to bring back what we had! Can’t you see my efforts? I want our family back!"

I shook my head, signaling that I was done. "Katarina, any feelings I had for you are long gone. I no longer love you. So, even if we tried now? No. It’s over," I said firmly. "I've filed for divorce," I added, feeling the weight of that declaration.

Tears filled her eyes, streaming down her cheeks as she shook her head in disbelief. "No. I won’t accept the divorce, Diovanni! I can’t! I won’t!" Her voice rose with anguish.

"Stop it, Katarina," I said firmly. "I can’t be with you. I don’t want to be with you. Just let me go!" I spoke with conviction, but she stepped closer and embraced me tightly. I didn’t move, letting her hold me for a moment despite her sobs echoing in the room. "The divorce papers will arrive tomorrow, and I expect you to sign them," I said coldly, slowly breaking free from her hug.

She wiped her tears, meeting my gaze defiantly. "I won’t sign them, Dio. If you go through with this, I’ll take Dionne away, and you will lose your chance to see her!" There was a mix of threat and desperation in her voice. "I’ll involve Mama, and I’ll make sure your plans fail!"

Her threat struck me, igniting my anger, but I held back. I wouldn’t let this escalate into something worse. We stared at each other, the tension palpable. "Even if you team up with Mama, my decision won’t change, Katarina. I’m determined to go through with the divorce, and that won’t change with or without your permission," I declared firmly. "Don’t you dare try to keep Dionne away from me. I will fight for custody with everything I have."

Katarina’s expression shifted to one of fury. "You can’t do this, Diovanni! I’m Dionne’s mother! I gave her life; she is mine!"

"That’s true, you are her mother. But you lost the right to be a good mother when you destroyed our family. Do you think the court will ignore your actions?" I shot back.

"I had no choice; I did it because—"

"Because of what?" I interrupted, my voice rising. "Because of Vitto?" The accusation left her speechless. "Did you really think you could keep your affair a secret while pushing me away with no consequences?"


"Spare me your excuses, Katarina. There’s nothing you can say to change the past," I said, watching her confidence fade. "I blamed myself, but the truth is, you betrayed me. You’ve been unfaithful for too long, making a mockery of our vows," I proclaimed, anger and accusations mixing in my tone.

Her face drained of color. "How... How did you find out? Did Vitto confess? Did you talk to him?" Panic filled her voice. "D-Dio, he’s just making up stories to tear us apart! He knows I can’t love him!" Her desperate defense only amused me bitterly.

"You’re good at keeping secrets, Katarina. Do you really think I’d still believe your lies?" I couldn’t hold back my fury. "Thank goodness Vitto revealed your true colors! Otherwise, I’d still be trapped in your deceit!" I gripped her shoulder tightly, my emotions swirling. "It’s your fault Shuen got dragged into this! An innocent person was hurt because of your selfishness!" I confronted her, desperately trying to force the truth out.

Hiding His Mistress: Diovanni de Marcel | B-1 ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon