This idea eventually popped out of my brain and started writing this stuff when I've accidentally opened a link of a compilation of pick-up lines.
Boredom — the one that was invading your system right now. Though your slightly enjoying tapping your fingers on the table but it didn't lessen the boredom that you're feeling right now.
But you've suddenly stopped from doing it when you heard your boyfriend clearing his throat. You immediately looked at his direction — giving him an irritated but cute pout. Instead of looking at you, he immediately focused on the book that he's been reading eversince you've arrived at his apartment.
"Yah, Kyungsoo-ah! I'm bored~" you said.
"Mmhmmm..." your boyfriend's short 'so-called answer'.
A vein immediately popped out because of that. Although you've been dating for how many years already, you still can't stop yourself from being annoyed of his slightly cold character.
"Is that what all you can say, Kyungie the Owl-y?" you asked, still irritated.
You've immediately turned your back at him. You've also started to picked up your bag, fixed your things and ready to exit his room. As you turned the knob of the door, he began to speak.
"I'm all ears now, ____ [y/n]-ah. Now, what do you want to do now?" he said, placing his book on the table.
You've immediately looked back at him while giving him a 'now-what' look. You even placed your hands on your hips and gave him a smirk.
"Let's have a contest, Do Kyungsoo." you said, bluntly.
You've noticed that his eyes grew wider (like this ---> D.O) due to shock because of what you've said. But it was eventually disappeared and replaced by a smirk.
"Sure. What will be the contest?" he asked seriously — raising his left eyebrow.
"Let's have a pick-up line battle. Whoever will win shall be rewarded," you answered while taking a seat in front of him.
"The first one who will react first — either a flinch, a small laugh, a blush, or anything else, will be declared as a loser."
"Game. So, shall we start now?"
"You go first, ____ [y/n]-ah."
"Ammm.... let's see... Ahh! Kyungsoo-ah, I thought happiness started with an H. Why does mine start with U?" you said while giving him a smile. But instead of reacting, he just gave you a poker face.
"Now, my turn. You know what, ____ [y/n]-ah, you are so beautiful that you give the sun a reason to shine." he answered back.
Because of what he said, you've felt that your heart stops beating for a moment. You can't even think properly because of that. A tint of pinkish red was also showing in your face.
"I-I..." you started stuttering words.
"I think I've won, ___ [y/n]-ah. Now, where's my reward?" he said, confidently.
"[Full Name], if I had a rose for everytime I thought of you, I would be walking through my garden forever."
"God gave us two ears, two eyes, two legs, and two hands but he only gave us one heart, and he wanted me to find you and tell you, you are the second one."
Speechless — that's what you've felt right now. You can't contain your feels and you've felt that your ovaries might explode any minute from now because of these cheesy pick-up lines battle.
As you looked at your handsome boyfriend, a genuine and sweet smile was now written on his face. He was also looking and keep his focused at your blushing.
"I-I t-think w-w-we s-should s-stop n-n-now, K-Kyungie-ah." you said while turning back again just to hide your blushing state.
"Now time for my reward..." he said, seductively.
He immediately stood up from his seat and pulled you up. He even pinned you on the wall and staring seductively and lustfully on your eyes. He even placed his lips on your right ear and said...
"You're so beautiful, ___ [y/n]-ah, that you made me forget my pick-up lines and even turned me on..."
Sheesh... cheesy pick-up lines... >3<
I'm really not good in reacting when somebody will tell me those. It's either I'll give you a blank stares or a poker face (or even a smirk XD).
Gosh! I'm really not in the mood right now because of that messages. Sheesh...
Yeah... XD
~ ☆ YANNI LEE ☆ ~

EXO Imagines and One-Shots
RomanceA compilation of original EXO imagines and one-shots made by the author.