Arc 3- Offers, Favors, and Moving Onwards

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"Hah, Take that!"
Blaze proudly finished off the last soldier that was still alive.

They didn't kill all of them of course, they just knocked them down for the gang to have some time to talk. (Which they really needed)

"Phew, It's a good thing you guys came at the right time!"
Blaze said as he wiped off his sweat.

"No biggie, Just so you know you would be dead by now if we hadn't come."
Fang said pridefully, only to be spanked by Yaya.

"Now, Mind telling us why are you here? Shouldn't you be at TAPOPS?"
Ice asked sternly.

The friends turned their attention to Ice who was waiting for their response.

"We've received a message from the resistance at Windara, They've told us about the distress here, and you know we couldn't turn down the call for help."
Explained Ying as she turned to Yaya.

"And we have also detected a power sphera signal somewhere here on this planet."
Added Yaya.

"So your telling me that they are going to go here anyway?! Then what was the point of them not agreeing to our plan in going here?"
Blaze asked, who was starting to get mad.

"Well that was before we received the distress call here."
Said Yaya, trying to calm down the situation.

"And about that, The Commander wanted to apologize for what had happened, and asked if you guys wanted to return."
Gopal asked. He sounded hopeful.

"Wow. And now they want us to return? After horribly treating us just like that?"
Quake suddenly spoke. He was not having it. It was true that TAPOPS had the nerve to ask them to return after treating the brothers.

"Your answer was kind of expected."
Fang said.

"We're sorry on behalf of them."
Yaya said sincerely.

"Sorry is not enough for what they have done to us."
Quake boldly said.

"If they magically wake up Cyclone, which obviously will never happen. Maybe we could agree."
Continued the earth elemental in a mocking manner.

"I know that besides wanting to save this planet , your other goal is to bring us back. TAPOPS always rely on us, maybe it's time they should learn how to survive without their treasured cadets."
Concluded Quake as he walked away angrily from the scene.

"Quake! Wait for us."
Blaze and Ice frantically hurried to catch up with Quake.

Ice called out, But Quake didn't look back.

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