The New House

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Looking out the window seeing my old house go by like the wind. Going from a simple little house in South Carolina to a pretty big farm in Virginia. I will miss out old Town but maybe this small town will be good for me. 

"Are you excited yo see our new farm?" My dad asked.

"I don't know yet. I'm excited but I didn't want to leave our old house."

" I get that son. But noe you've got to work the farm."

"Yeah... I'm not really looking forward to getting up real early."

"You'll get over it. Plus I'm paying you"

Our conversation ended there and I stared out the window. The music and the scenery rocked me to sleep slowly.

"W what." I looked down at my hands. But they weren't hands. They were paws.

I jerked my head away and look towards the mountains when I heard a howl.

I don't know what came over me but I start running. I feeel free and I want to run and run until I find who howled.

As I get to a clearing I go to look from behind a tree...

"HEY! Wake up."

I jumped and in the process slammed my head onto the ceiling of our truck. "What the hell dad"

"We are here"

"Well no shit dad" I rub my head where I hit it.

"Quit whining and help me get everything inside."

"Fine whatever"

We unloaded the pickup truck and the moving truck that followed us. After the trucks were unloaded I was told to pick my room but I wasn't allowed to have the master. I went straight to the top floor and found the next biggest room. It took me about an hour and a half to get most of my stuff unpacked. And than a knocked came from the door.

"I got it!" I yelled to my parents.

I walked down the stairs and opened the door. There was a pretty girl with black hair and blue eyes standing in the doorway.

"Hey, I'm your next door neighbor about a mile or two down the road." The lady said.

"Oh, well its nice to meet you."

"I just wanted to stop by and welcome yall to the neighborhood and if yall need anyone to show you around just find me."

"I'll definitely keep that in mind. Oh and what time does our school start?"

She chuckled a bit. "It starts at 8am"

"And what about the bus. Is there a stop or does it come up here?"

"There is a bus stop about 2 miles down the road."

"Thank you. I guess I'll see you on Monday."

"Well yall have a good day see. you on on monday."

"I shut the door when she turned and started walking away. I went up stairs and finished unpacking."

"Dinner!" My mom yelled from downstairs.

"On my way"

I get down stairs and the smell of the food brings a smile to my face. After mom said the blessing we started to eat.

"So son who was that at the door earlier?" My dad asked.

"Oh just the neighbor from down the road."

My dad gave me a look "boy or girl?"

I groaned and rolled my eyes. "It was a girl if you must know."

"No getting the neighbor pregnant till after we've been here for a month."

I groaned again and gave my dad the middle finger. After that dinner went by fast and I went back to my room to go to bed.

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