Getting Used To The Farm

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When I woke up Sunday morning It was 4:30 AM.Igroaned as my dad woke me up.

"Leave me alone."


He continued to push me.

"Five more minutes please."

The next thing I know is my face made contact with the hardwood floor beside my bed. You best bet I was up after that.

"What the hell did you do that for?"

"You wouldn't wake up. I had to."

"That doesn't mean push me into the floor."

After that awful experience I got up and my dad had me fixing the fence. As I was fixing the fence someone yelled my name.


It was my mom. Of course

'Yeah what do you need."

"There is someone at the door who wants to talk to you."


When I got to the door the neighbor was waiting on me.


Hey." I said in response

"You want to go riding on some side by side's. They go pretty damn fast."

"Hold on I have to ask my dad."
So I ran to where he was in the kitchen and asked him. "Hey can I go ride side by side with the neighbor?"

"Did you get the fence fixed?"

"Yes now can I go. Please?"

"Sure Go have fun just not to much fun."

"Shut up Dad."

So I ran back to the door and shut it behind me.

"So I never got your name."

"Lilly how about yours?"


"So Logan where are you from"

"I am from a small town in South Carolina"


"So Lilly What do yall do around here?"

"Well we ride side by sides and we go on runs. Sometimes we hunt. But
mostly I stay at home"

"Cool what do you hunt?"

"Well we hunt deer, ducks, turkey, etc"

"What about wolves?'

The look she gave me told me that she despises people who hunt wolves. I just don't know why.

"No we don't normally kill wolves. They mind their own business and we mind ours."

By this time we made it to where she parked a four-wheeler at the end of my driveway.

"Hop on."

"Okay, I thought we are riding side by sides?"

"Now how am I supposed to drive 2 atvs here at the same time."

"Oh yeah duh. I guess I'm a bit stupid."

"Everyone is." She laughed.

After that she started it up and started driving.

When we pulled up my jaw dropped. The house was huge and the garage beside it was almost as big as the house.

"So how do you like my house?"

"Its something alright. That's for sure."

"So follow me and I'Il let you choose your side by side."


She pulled up to the garage and we got off the four-wheeler. I followed her into the gigantic garage.


That's all I had to say when I went into the garage.

"Is that really all you have to say when you see it?"

"what do you mean. There are cars old and new same with side by sides
four-wheelers and dirt bikes"

"Yeah my dad has a lot of money."

"I'd say so."

"So which side by side do you want? Don't even think about the camo one its mine."

"Nah I didn't want it anyways I like this gray and black one right here"

"Well good. Get in it and we can go. You can just follow me to the trails then get beside me. Also my brother might join us."

"Okay, cool."

So I followed her out of the garage and down the dirt road. We passed my house. I waved to my mom and she waved back to me. About 15 minutes after passing my house we come upon some hills that lead
to mountains eventually. Lilly stopped so I pulled up beside her.

"So from here on out you can stay beside or behind me"

The trails weren't too hard but weren't easy either It took us till about 5:00 PM to get done.

When we got back to Lilly's house she motioned for me to wait in the garage. So I did. When she got back she said "If you want you can have that four-wheeler that i came and got you on. My dad said it was fine that we have too many of them

"Are you serious?"

'Yeah I sean y'all didn't have one AIso I feel like you will need to have a ride over here if we ever hang out again."

"I am blown away. I can't believe you're serious"
"Yep Just don't mess it up and if it does mess it up call me and ill come over and fix it."

"Oh my god okay thank you again"

"Oh and here let me put my number on your phone"

"Oh okay sure"

"Here are the keys. Do you know the away back to your house?"

"Yeah, well I guess I have to go and do more farm work. Later."

"Okay I'l see ya later."

Then I headed back to my house with a brand new four-wheeler. I still can't believe I got a new four-wheeler for free.

When I got back my mom looked at me like I was crazy.

"Where did the four-wheeler come from."

I explained to her what happened.

"So she just gave it to you?"


"No charge?"



"I don't know. Are we just playing 20 questions now?"

"Sorry. It's just weird she just gave you a four-wheeler."

"I know. She also gave me her number."

My dad from the living room whistled. I rolled my eyes in response.

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