Chapter 1

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Yo! Hey everyone I know I have other stories goin' on,but when I have an idea I gotta do it otherwise I'll get out of the mood and I won't come back to it and I particularly liked this idea,and I hope u guys will 2!^_^ Alrighty I'll do a short description and small back story here enjoy!!
Name: Shindō Kikoemasu
Age:14 Gender:female
Height: in between Sakura's and Sasuke's.
Hair:short boy-style,midnight black.
Eyes:bright blue.
Trade mark: black & blue headphones and thin blue scarf.
Personality:random,fun-loving,can be serious,loves pranks,dango,and more.
3 years ago
A midnight black haired young girl runs down the street of her small town on a island in the middle of the ocean. Her long glossy black hair slightly swaying behind her as she runs towards her house,filled with excitement for the up coming festival taking place in a week,it'd be her first time going,for she became 11 today. Though she didn't know of the strange ninja stalking her as if she were prey. Though the young girl continued running down the road to her house,next to a beautiful field,and off the cliff was an amazing view of the ocean. She was running home right after ninja school,to talk about the festival with her 14 year old oldest brother,her 12 year old older sister her,5 year old younger brother the she got along with better than any,her mother and father,she wanted to tell them about how all her friends at ninja academy would all hang out with her at the up coming festival it being they're first time going as well.Her light blue eyes sparkled with excitement though eyes always sparkled with joy,they now sparkled with excitement because she had just pasted her ninja test and wanted to show her family her forehead protector that was tied proudly on her forehead. But just then 3 buff ninja blocked her path causing her to skid to a stop, and pull out a kunai knife protectively. These ninja had forehead protecters,but a line was scratched through each symbol "who are you?" The young girl growls." No need for our names or yours we already know who you are,and you have no use for ours." A gruff voice from the leader guy says. Though the girl sensed a chakra signature, behind her she whirled around too late and fell into darkness,as she was knocked out,by a ninja hitting a pressure point on her neck.
When the 12-year old awoke,she found herself chained to a wall,and feeling completely drained of energy.Though her vision was blury she could see a giant blurred figure,looking to be of an animal's with many tails,though it was thrashing about trying to escape from large chakra draining chains,around its neck and all four paws. As soon as the young girls vision cleared,she saw that the giant animal-like figure,was a fox of sorts,though it had ten tails and was as tall as the cave the two were in ceiling. The giant creature reminded the young girl of the nine tails Kybūi or Karama. Except this was an artic fox an had ten tails. Though the beast's thrashing made it difficult to count it's tails,the girl managed to count ten. The ten tailed fox had not noticed that the young girl was awake and studying the only female tailed beast,amongst her thrashing and roars of protest until the girl tried moving her arms,but was stopped by chakra draining chains pinning her hands to the cave's wall behind her,that made a rattleing noise making the beast aware of her soon to be host was now awake. The ten tailed stopped thrashing and looked to the young blue eyed girl." So you've awoken" the beast speaks to her,thinking like all humans that weren't host to one of the beast,that she'd only hear a roar." Y-yes,but I'd like to know where I've a-awoken." The girl's voice was small and fragile,for lack of engry that was being drained of her by the chains unabling her to move her arms though her entire body was aching for a reason unknown to her. The female fox's eyes widen,before being filled with curiosity." You can understand me child?" The ten tailed askes unsure." Y-yes is t-that not n-normal?" The girl askes confusion,going over her face 'through this entire time,the 12-year-old hadn't showed any form of fear in the presence of the most powerful beast,only confusion and curiosity' the giant fox-demon thought to herself.'perhaps it wouldn't be so bad having her as my host.' She added." My name is Yuki no akuma, though you will call me Yuki. " Yuki says ignoring the young girl's previous question.'Yuki no akuma,that means Snow demon,hmmm. It fits her appearance well ,though does demon her fit true self?' The girl thought before responding to the demon she now considers her friend."I'm Shindō Kikoemasu. I'm happy to meet you Yuki." Shindō responds slightly smiling,but the smile fades as she falls into unconsciousness.
Shindō went through horrific pain having the most powerful tailed beast sealed within her.She went through so much pain,that night that she forgot everything about herself,and her life. Shindō woke up in a snowy place that wasn't cold,but beautiful. She lifted herself up and saw giant bars with a sealing paper in the of it. When Shindo looked up she saw Yuki's icy blue eyes looking down at her. "You have no memory?!" Yuki askes shocked."" Shindō answers confusion going across her features as to why the strange ten tailed artic fox behind, bars knew this. Yuki studied Shindō seeing fear, but curiosity and confusion. The demon-fox chuckles slightly relived this is the same girl, as before but without memories." Well I suppose we'll have,to start over, I'm Yuki no akuma,but you will call me Yuki,you're name is Shindō Kikoemasu." Yuki explained a lot from there until it was time to come out of Shinō's mind and back into reality.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2015 ⏰

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