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3rd person's POV:

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3rd person's POV:

"DAD!?,WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?",a shocked felix asked. All of them turned around to see a tall man probably in his 40s-50s standing at the door. " Hello to you to son" "Oh,hi dad!" "And to answer you question I had to attend a meeting here in south korea so I thought of dropping by to see my favourite son". "Well then come in dad",just as felix said that,he stepped aside to let his father in. And as soon as his father entered the house all the boys quickly got up and bowed.    "Who are they yongbok?" " So you already know my group stray kids and this is ateez, another kpop group that we live with",felix explained." Well then what are their names?"

After felix introduced them:
"Are they not apart of your group?", asked Mr.lee pointing at the two males standing in the corner." Well that's Jaehyun he's wooyoung's boyfriend and that is s.coups my....boyfriend", Mr.lee stood shocked for a few seconds before coming back to his senses." You both have 10 seconds to run,1-"," I'm not even your son's boyfriend,why you chasing me?",asked Jaehyun. " I consider wooyoung as my child to and guess what the count down already reached 10 so now I advice you to...RUN",said Mr.lee before chasing the 2 " Oh SHIT-". He chased them around the house for atleast a good one hour or so until he got tired but still gave them a death glare which made the two gulp their saliva back in fear. After talking for a while it was time for Mr.lee to leave." Bye dad,stay safe",said felix while hugging him." I will kiddo don't worry ",said Mr.lee while ruffling felix's hair. After Mr.lee left it was Jaehyun and s.coups turn to leave." Don't go,pleaseee",said felix and wooyoung with puppy eyes which took all the self control in Jaehyun and s.coups to not give in.   "It's ok baby we'll come back tommorow and we can always  facetime", said s.coups."Fine,but you both better text us when you reach home ok",said wooyoung."ok-ok we will,we promise",said Jaehyun." Ok bye, love you",said felix and both gave their boyfriends a quick kiss on the lips before leaving."So what do you want to do now?",asked wooyoung. "We can bake some brownies or cookies",said felix." Let's ask the rest what they want to eat",said wooyoung. "Ok","Hey guys you wanna have felix's special brownies or cookies",all of them quickly turned around and shouted happily "BROWNIES!". Felix and wooyoung let out a chuckle."ok then I am making dinner",said wooyoung and the both then went into the kitchen and started cooking and baking
(If anyone wants felix's brownie recipe)

"ok then I am making dinner",said wooyoung and the both then went into the kitchen and started cooking and baking(If anyone wants felix's brownie recipe)

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(And the dinner wooyoung made's recipe:honey garlic chicken tenders)

(And the dinner wooyoung made's recipe:honey garlic chicken tenders)

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"It's soo good",exclaimed yeosang."Well thank you",said wooyoung." Don't forget we still have dessert",said felix." Can't wait for it",said bangchan. The rest of the dinner went by in peace.After eating dinner felix came out with his famous brownies topped with cold vanilla ice-cream."Enjoy",said mikey." Hey guys are you both happy with your bfs?",asked hyunjin while eating his dessert, which shocked the two at the sudden question. " Yeah,why ask?",
replied wooyoung. "Oh,ok just asking",said hyunjin." You know you all will always be our second family",said felix and wooyoung. 'But we want to be more', all of them(-wooyoung and felix)said to themselves.
After that wooyoung and felix said their goodnights and went upstairs into their room. They did their skincare and finally settled into their bed." Do you think their up?" ,asked wooyoung to felix." No,they were probably tired and slept right after reaching their home",explained felix." Then I guess after watching a quick movie we can sleep",said wooyoung and felix agreed." What movie are you thinking?",asked felix." Well...Christmas is coming how about home alone?",said wooyoung." That's a great movie,let's watch",said felix. They stayed up till 2:35a.m watching all the parts of home alone." Finally finished all 3 movies, let's get some sleep now ok? We have practice today", said felix."ok",wooyoung whined. They closed the TV,turned in their fairy lights and drifted of to sleep.

 They closed the TV,turned in their fairy lights and drifted of to sleep

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Hi lovlies! How are you?Take care of yourself. Check out book one on matchapeachboba and then come here to understand the story as wattpad logged me off of that account. Yes,that was my old account,all my hardworking and reads and votes all gone down the drain but for now good morning, good afternoon, good evening and good night 💖 💖

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