First day on job

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"Pete come this way I'll take you to the training room" Big said holding a clipboard with everyone's tasks on
Pete followed the man and they went into a room with guns and shooting boards
"Wow this place is sick can I have a go at shooting"
"Well that is the training so yeah you can" Big said rolling his eyes and ticking a box on his clipboard

Big picked up some headphones and protective glasses and passed them to Pete .
Pete put them on and Big handed him a pistol.

"Okay stand straight and shoulders back , place your best leg at back and hold the gun like you're protecting it" Big said helping Pete by telling and moving his shoulders back
"Now put your finger on the trigger and shoot"
Pete did as told and pulled the trigger making a loud bang .
The bullet went flying and hit the middle of the board ,
Pete smiled and Big held his shoulder!
"Wow I'm impressed no one has hit the middle on the first try good job" Big said staring into Pete's eyes
"Thanks I've never trained before so this is my first time"
Big nodded and told Pete to do it again .
He did the same posture and held the gun up .

He shot the gun and the bullet hit the middle of the board once again.
"Jeez dude you're really good you've got full marks so far by the way the next task is harder"
"Mmm okay"
Pete took the headphones and protective glasses off placing them aside ...

"Follow me let's go to the last test which lots of people have failed on"
Pete opened his eyes wide and sweared
"Uh uh no swearing until you've finished young man"
"That's kinda rude I'm 22"
"Neh I'm 26 and I don't swear"
"Damn you're old"
Big scoffed and rolled his eyes
They arrived at the last task and Pete was confused
"How is this harder it's just swimming"
"No no it's not swimming your hands get tied up and they push you into the water and you gotta untie yourself"
"Oh shiaaa I'm bad at untying thing"
"Well let's see if you can make it ay I heard you got the gold pin no one has ever got that"
"I don't get it what's so special about it"
"Mmmm you'll find out one day now let's get started"

Big got thick rope and tied it around Pete's hands .
He walked Pete to the edge of pool and made him stand straight
"Okay 3 , 2 , 1"
Big pushed Pete into the pool
Pete wiggled his legs as he untied the rope quicker than he usually does
He swam up ,
"Damn you did it in 7 seconds you beat the record which is 10!!"
Pete wiped his face and pushed his hair out of his face .
"My clothes are all wet now" Pete pouted
"You have new ones in your room I'll take you"
"Wow sick bro"

He took Pete to his room and gave him a keycard
They went into the room and Pete saw a punching bag in the corner
"Oooo lala"
"What the hell dude is your type punching bags or something"
"No but I loved these as a kid I would always play with it with my dad" Pete said quietly
"Oh that's nice"
"It was yes"
"Well i'll leave you too it"
Big left ...
"This place is so niceeee"
Pete went to the bedroom and saw a massive bed
"Jeez Louise this is 4x bigger than my one at home" he jumped on the bed and laid there as the soft , silky sheets compressed his face

Just then the phone beside the bed rang
He pressed the speaker button and listened
"Can everyone come down to the main room we have a new member I want you all to meet and also Vegas and Kim are here so please look pleasant"
"Oh crap he better not be talking bout me" Pete thought
He walked to his wardrobe and opened it to his surprise it was a walk in wardrobe
"Eeekkkkk so big and so many clothes"
"Now let's find something"
Pete found a navy blue suit and a navy blue tie to match he didn't put a shirt on since no one could see under then jacket anyways since he buttoned it up.

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