Chapter 36

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The content of the fourth round of practical training didn't sound complicated.

All pilots were divided into two teams, the training was divided into two sections: the first was a drill, mecha filled with simulated ammunition for exercises, similar to normal military exercises. The two sides were against each other, and the final decision was made based on the area covered by the simulated ammunition and the number of pilots remaining.

The losing side would be eliminated, except for those who perform exceptionally well.

The winning side had a new test, which varied from year to year, depending on the situation.

Only those who passed all the training would become part of the base and have their own mecha.

The ship docked at the side, and after a count, the mecha were numbered, divided into groups, and began the final checks.

Lin Han hadn't checked his mecha before because of the late boarding time, but before the official start, Lin Han received his number and went to Ji Meng's mecha for insurance purposes.

Lin Han entered Ji Meng's mecha cabin, the other side was humming something softly. Clearly, he was already a major in rank, but Ji Meng's voice was the same as his name, with a clear sense of youth. The tune he was humming sounded like a ballad of some years ago. The melody had an exotic accent, like a memory, but also like a story.

"...Young man walking outside the woods."

"I met the young man for the first time, the clouds and shadows wandered together."

"...He fell in love..." Lin Han only heard a few lines vaguely before Ji Meng stopped and nodded towards him with some embarrassment. "Mr. Lin, I'm sorry."

Lin Han returned the smile, "It's very nice."

"Really?" Ji Meng then also smiled, showing small tiger teeth, "I heard the song when I was studying, I can't even remember its name. I heard it was passed down from a long time ago, and I liked it so much that I added it to the mecha's player."

Lin Han said "really", and after receiving a glowing look from the other side, he went to his mecha pod and helped him debug it.

Ji Meng's advanced mecha, which Lin Han had developed with a colleague two years ago, featured a twin cannon that could freely switch between a light-speed pulse cannon for melee combat and a cluster laser cannon for long-range use in a very short time of energy storage. The defense system had also been enhanced, although not as well known as the Aegis, but compared to many similar mecha it was still on top.

Lin Han suddenly asked curiously, "Do you have a name for your mecha?"

Ji Meng seemed to freeze for a moment before saying, "Yes." He looked as if he thought back to something, "I was laughed at before, saying that my mecha's was as feminine as my name."

Perhaps Ji Meng's name really did subject him to a lot of gossip, Lin Han paused, "It's okay not to tell me, sorry."

"Redberry." But Ji Meng took the initiative to say, "Its name is Redberry." Ji Meng asked with some urgency, "Does it sound weird?"

"No." Lin Han softened his voice, "It's a good name. It must also have a meaning."

Lin Han lightly clicked on the console and heard a soft female voice coming from the mecha AI system——

"Hello, Junior."

"Redberry k1, self-test program has been initiated."

Some AI voice programs could be artificially set, so Ji Meng nervously glanced at Lin Han and found that the other didn't mind his voice system in any way, which put his mind at ease. Because it was a drill, the load was simulated, the defense piece wasn't specially improved, only the usual equipment was continued, but it was enough.

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