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Zaniah Elyse Anderson | age: 19
Atlanta, GA

I woke up seeing that i was in the bed alone making me let out a sigh, i grabbed my phone and dialed my boyfriends number

"where you at, u never came home" i said as the call connected

"i had business to handle so i slept ova my slime house" he said making me overthink

"well alright just let me know when u coming home, i love you" i said waiting for his response

"igh" he said before hanging up

"weird ass hoe" i said as i mugged my phone

i got up and walked to my bathroom so i could take a shower, after my shower i wrapped a towel around my body so i could brush my teeth and wash my face

once i finished doing all of that i walked to my dresser and grabbed some underwear and a bra, then i picked my out which lotion i wanted to wear

next i walked to my closet and picked out a black aires shirt with some gray jeans and some black lanvins

i walked back towards my bed so i could place my clothes on it, i applied my lotion and then put my clothes on

i seen my phone ringing seeing that it was my bestfriend chyna, i answered and propped my camera up

"hey- where u finna go" she said cutting herself off

"wherever the wind takes me" i said spraying some perfume on myself

"aw girl boo, i was gone ask u to come with me" chyna said as i applied some roll on perfume

"where" i asked grabbing a brush

"my man house, he said he gotta gift for me" she said making me look at the phone

"mhm, yea ill go" i said brushing my wig

"ok period, im pulling up" she said making me scrunch my face up and laugh

"alright, im finna come out" i said grabbing my phone and my purse

i turned my light off then shut my door as i walked out of my room, i walked downstairs towards my front door opening it seeing chyna's car

"heyy" she said as i got in

"heyy" i said putting my seatbelt on

"is jayson gone trip" she asked as she pulled off making me look at her

"he shouldn't cause he ain't even come home last night, so if he gone be "outside" then i am too" i said doing air quotes on the outside part

"period, fuck him" chyna said making me put my airpods in

"yea fuck him" i mumbled under my breath knowing that i missed him

about 15 minutes later we had made it to this nice 2 story house

"his homeboys prolly here but they cool, except murk mean ass" she said as i took my airpods out

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