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!  not proof read  !

zamyrah Elyse Anderson | age: 22
Houston, TX

i had just finished 3 nail sets and im tired as fuck but we gone push through, i had work today at 4 which was in a hour so i had enough time to get ready

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i had just finished 3 nail sets and im tired as fuck but we gone push through, i had work today at 4 which was in a hour so i had enough time to get ready

i took a 20 minute shower and then i did the rest of my morning routine, i dried my body off and then put on some lotion then body oil

i slipped on some panties and then my bra, i put on my scrubs and then my sock which lead up to my crocs

i looked at enzo and seen that he sleeping better than me in my own bed, i brushed my hair and then put it into a cute lil ponytail

i grabbed my work bag and put some essentials and other stuff in there, i sprayed some perfume and then i grabbed my lanyard and left

i stopped at starbucks and got me a refresher and then drove to work which was a 25 minute drive

once i made it i clocked in and then walked to the lockers and put my stuff up and only grabbed what i needed then after everything was set up i had my first patient

- - -

today was a very busy day but im finally off work thank God, i was on the phone with enzo as i drove home

"i miss you" he said look down at the phone as he rolled his blunt

"i miss you too, is you coming over" i asked as i stopped at a red light

"yeah" he said

"mm, whatchu do while i was gone" i asked

"not shit, i had left cause i had some shit ta handle" he said

"aw well once i get in here ima take a shower and then im gone go to sleep cause im tired, but ill leave the door unlocked" i said

"igh mama ima see u later" he said

"alright see you later" he said as i unlocked my house door and walked in

i took my shoes off and carried them upstairs and then put em up, i put my bag on my dresser and the i got undressed

i took a lil 25 minute shower and then i dried my body off and put on some lotion and deodorant, then i put on a t-shirt and some panties, i put on a scarf and then i put my bonnet on top

i turned bmf on and then i walked back to my front door cs i accidentally locked it and then i went and got in the bed

- - -

i felt a stinging sensation on my ass and looking up to see enzo, i punched him while he just laughed

"why the fuck u just do that dumb ass shit and then u see im sleep" i said while rubbing my eyes and then my ass

"my bad mama" he said giving me a hug

"move" i said laying back down

he took off his shirt and shoes then he got inna bed with me as he brought me closer to him, he gave me kiss and then we went to sleep


short chapter 🫤



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