magic portal leads school kids in another dimension

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School is a fantasy school and was exploring around then some evil guy came and his robot tried to kill me and chased me to the bathroom once they left I leave the bathroom and school gets out early wandering around to get our stuff I go to library and see a old map I pick up map and then leave with stuff when wondering we tried to go home to the human world by the portal closed with the teachers so us kids decided not to be hunted and kept walking meet a big gate that didn't let us over so I volunteered to climb and jump over the gate and when I did an scrachy voice  said "what you do you think your doing lasse?"

I turn around to see a skinny and scrawny mid 30's old man "sorry it's just that my school was attacked by a unwanted visitor and were trying to find a way back we stumbled on to this place and it wouldn't let us in" he looks at me and asked if I was lying I wiped out my phone and showed him the progress throughout the day he looked at the progress and his face from a serious look to a more friendly look "well if your friends are still back there you need to play some of the games to get them in here" just then the others texted me 'what's the hold up' and I texted back with saying 'I got caught and he's saying that I can't get you guys in here without playing these games'

I look at the games and I and see some of look like those arcade games just different once I got 700 points I went to go open the door the door said I needed another 700 points I was about to break the thing when the skinny guy said "I don't think I properly introduced myself I am captain moss and I run this place around here"

when I heard that he ran this place i was chilled to my core and did he say captain was he a pirate what if he takes me prisoner what if he kills me so many thoughts went through my head to the point that I just stopped moving when he asked what's your name I unfroze and blurted out "chizuki" and then said "wait no that's not my name" feeling embarrassed I started to cry then he said "hey its okay to have your name change here it's preferred anyway so whatever name you choose is what others will call you" when I looked up at him with my red face tears coming cleanly off my face I said "then my name is Chizuki" he smiled and said "pleasure to you meet you chizuki"

he then asked if I fought with a weapon before when I said once he gave a bow and some arrows he said "then do I have the pleasure to have duel with you" with whipping out a sword

Kinda confident I said "I accept your challenge and if I win I get to leave this place with my friends" "but if you lose you stay here while your friends have to find another place to stay" "deal"once we got into our positions we waited for the others move while moving I circler motion he then charged towards me while I decide to move and attacked at a distance *one two three* I thought while I shot my bow hitting his clothes and pining him to the ground I move to get him on alert i find a mask with a creasent moon symbol on it and I decided to put it on as I finished putting it on he just got up and I fired two arrows back to back pinning him to the ground i walk up to him and say "you lose captain moss" he looks up at me and says "I don't think so" he then kicked my leg he's his self unpined himself  he tried to attack me but I quickly move out of the way and draw my bow and shoot my arrow close to his sword knocking it out of his hand and draw another arrow close to his neck saying "you lose captain moss" "I guess I do"

he says getting up we walk back to to the entrance and before I leave u tried to give him the bow back but he said "no no keep it your going to need it plus I think you dropped this" he said while handing me the map I took from the school "how did when did huh" I asked and he said "you dropped it while you climbed over I took a peek at it while you were playing the games" "oh well thank you" "no problem" he said while I was walking out of the place and meeting with my friends

"Oh and another thing keep practicing that bow your quite good at it" I smiled and waved to him farewell and he waved back while saying "if you ever need a break your always welcome to come here and rest" he said before going back in .

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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