chapter eighteen

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Lance and his team stayed a mile away from the boathouse. He didn't want to draw any attention, in case Montgomery and Mack trailed behind Shonnie looking for anything suspicious.

Freddy was nervous when he got there. He didn't know why because he'd been in far more dangerous situations, but Shonnie was sneaky. She had some powerful people on her side too.

"When you get in there, just act normal. Don't let on to the wire and try to speak clearly so we can hear everything."

Lance gave Freddy a call before he got out of his car to go inside. He made sure he let him know there was no one on their way there, but to hurry the confession along just in case, because he didn't trust Shonnie. Not even a little. They had their run-ins in the past and from then on, he always kept his eyes open around her.

"Alright," Freddy said. "I'm heading in now. If you see anything, give me a heads up so I can get the fuck out of here. I gotta stay alive for my niece."

"No worries. I got you. Once you're in, we'll move closer so we can keep an eye on you."

The clock started ticking the minute Freddy stepped from his car. Shonnie met him at the door to let him in and when she did, she felt an instant feeling of regret.

"You here alone?" she asked.

"Do you see anyone else?"

His tone was very condescending and his patience with her was very thin. It took everything he had not to kill her right then and there. It would've been easy to take her out; he didn't see anyone else with her, nor did she have a weapon drawn. The kill would've been a piece of cake.

She looked him up and down before letting him all the way in. For some reason, she felt a chill in the air coming from everywhere but Freddy. Something in her gut said the moment wasn't right; there was something else going on. Something far more sinister than her just getting the diary from him and going on about her life.

"It's been a long time since I've been here," Freddy said. "This shit getting more rundown by the minute. What made you choose here?"

"I don't know," she sighed and stepped aside. "It's peaceful out here."

"Peaceful?" he scoffed. "You're the last person who should be talking about peace."

"You're no prince charming either, my dear."

Shonnie's clap-back was honest. Freddy was far from innocent, but he wasn't as scandalous as Shonnie and the mayor. His dirty hands came from selling drugs and outing illegal activity in politics, not killing innocent women who were only trying to make a difference.

"You know," Shonnie said. "I never wanted to hurt anyone. It's like, once you climb to a certain degree, life takes a weird turn. You find yourself doing things you said you'd never do. Rubbing elbows with people you said you never would."

"You had a chance to rub elbows with the right people. You chose this life, so save the bullshit for someone who gives a fuck. Tell me what's up with Montgomery and this NDA? How do I get my name cleared and move on from this shit? And make no mistake, the only reason you're not dead right now is because I have to be here for my niece."

Shonnie chuckled a little and lowered her head. She felt bad for Skylar. She felt bad for a lot of the things she did, but there was no turning back for her. The love she had for her man turned her cold and ruthless.

"We could have avoided all of this, Freddy. Why didn't you just go public about what you saw?"

"Even if I did, my mama knew about this shit. Y'all killed her before I even had a chance to say anything. Shit, y'all killed Naomi for what?"

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