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There I stand, looking at the famous train which takes me to Hogwarts. Hogwarts the school of wizardry. It's crazy to believe something like magic exists but when beeing visited by a wizard at your orphanage saying you're a witch, there is a high chance you're either becoming crazy or it is real. And I know for a fact, that I'm not crazy. Another prove is the fact that I ran through a wall to get here. There are so many children setting their foots on the train and there is much noise. I hate the loudness. It reminds me of the days in my orphanage when I hadn't my own room. I had to sleep in a room for one with two other girls which didn't know how to keep their mouths shut. After all the crazy happenings because of me everyone thought I'm mad and a great danger, so I got my own room. It was small but at least I got some sleep in it.

I got into the train after leaving my suitcase at the collection area. Students squeezed themselves through the small wagons and tried to find themselves a place to sit. Taking a deep breath I began to walk in to the mass and make my way to an empty department. It took me a while but in the back at the end of the wagon I found one. After I made myself comfortable and the train started to move, I began to think about what could happen at Hogwarts.
I could finally meet my twin brother. I've never seen him again after we were separated when we were babies succeeding to the death of our parents. All I know is that they were murdered and my twin got shelter at our aunts home. I was left alone which ended in the orphanage. I often tried to get away from there and get into a family but nobody wanted me. I also tried to reach out to my brother but I never got an answer to any of my letters. It took me a while to accept the loneliness but now I kinda like it. I mean, I don't even know what my brother looks like but he is called Harry. Oh how I would love to get to know him. It was hard to hold my excitement back because I knew as soon as I stepped out of the train I would try to find him. After starring out of the window for a while, I began to read my book. Well at least I tried to because as soon as I've read the first sentence the department door opens. Surprised I look up and see a girl with brown hair looking at me. "Hello, sorry to ask but you did not see a toad around this area? A boy named Neville lost his and I am helping to find it.", she spoke to me. I was overwhelmed. It took me a few seconds to find the right words. " No I haven't seen a toad, so if you don't mind I would like to read my book. In peace.", I told her. Taking that as a sign to leave, the girl excused herself and left. How could someone be that incompetent and loose a fucking toad. They're not even fast.

After I think it was 2 more hours we arrived at Hogwarts. Before getting out I changed into school clothes and took my bag with me. We were mend to meet at the end of the platform. As I made my way to the end I began to see a huge figure. I looked around to see if someone looked alike me but all of the students moved so fast I couldn't see anyone clearly. We got into groups and went to Hogwarts by little boats. The huge figure turned out to be Hagrid, who is the guardian of the lands of Hogwarts. After crossing the lake we began to make our way up to the castle. I could hear noises of astonishment around me and I also must say that castle really looked beautiful. We walked up some stairs now following an older Woman with green clothes. She looked very strict and neat I would say. When suddenly she stopped and turned around. Finally I got the opportunity to look around and analyze the faces of all of the students. ,, My name is professor McGonagall, I will lead you trough the sorting ceremony. Before getting sorted you must now the different houses. There is Gryffindor, Hufflepuf, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Your house will be like your family. If you do a good job your house gains points for the house cup, if you disobey the rules your house will loose points!", she wanted to continue when suddenly a boy jumped forward at the stairs and called"Trevor". I think it was the boy who lost his toad. He did realize after a few seconds that he interrupted the whole speech and excused himself. Professor McGonagall just stared down at him and continued:"I now will go see if we are ready for you! Please stay in place and be quiet!", the woman said and left.
All of the students began to look around and talk to one another in a low tone. But then I heard someone say:" So it's true... Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts!". Now everyone went quiet end looked at the blond guy. He's standing in front of a boy with black hair. That kind of black hair I have. Just in time I wanted to walk towards him, the blonde boy spoke again. He introduced his two friends standing next to him. "This is Crabbe and Goyle. And I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy. ", he was interrupted by a ginger boy who began to chuckle. Malfoy turned to him and gave him a sharp look. "You think my name's funny, do you? I've no need to ask yours. Red hair and a hand-me-down robe? You must be a Weasley.", he claimed. I have to say, his robe really looked bad and ready for the trash. "You'll find out some wizarding families are better than others. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort.", he spoke to Harry Potter while giving Weasley a disgusted glance. Malfoy extended his hand for Harry and said something like "I can help you there". Everyone watched as Harry looked at him and said:" I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself, thanks." Rude. He certainly has confidence. As I looked at him I saw he was wearing glasses and had a little scar on his forehead. The same scar I had on my chest right above my heart. I tried to make my way through the mass and called " Harry" but he didn't hear me. Just as I got through a group of girls professor McGonagall came back.

 "We're ready for you now. Follow me.", she said and the group of new students followed her through the big doors into the great hall. Shit, when will I get the chance to talk to my twin, I thought. While walking I could feel all the glances on us. We are the new blood. Innocent and helpless. Their glances follow us till we stood at the front of the hall. That hall surely had something magic. It looked beautiful, warm and inviting. When looking up I realized, you could see the sky and candles floating in the air. At the front of the hall, are I guess the seats for the professors and the headmaster. At the beginning of the stairs was a little stool with a hat on it. "Will you wait along here, please?", McGonagall commanded. "Now, before we begin professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words." Behind her a wizard with grey beard rose. It was the wizard, who told me all about Hogwarts and that I'm a witch. "I have a few start-of-term notices I wish to announce. The first years, please note that the Dark Forst is strictly forbidden to all students. Also, our caretaker, Mr.Filch, has asked me to remind you that the third-floor corridor is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a most painful death." Great to know I could die in my future school. Really comforting. The old wizard ended his speech and McGonagall began to speak. "When I call your name, you will come forth. I shall place the sorting hat on your head and you will be sorted into your houses." " Hermione Granger." The girl who interrupted me in the train began to walk forward. She looked nervous. Really nervous. She sat down on the stool and got the hat on her head. After a few seconds it screamed "Gryffindor" and one of the four desks broke out in cheers. With a smile on her face the girl walked to their table and sat down. Then some of the others got sorted into their houses. Malfoy got into Slytherin and Weasley got into Gryffindor, which kinda was clear seeing three other red heads on their table. Then McGonagall called Harry out and you could feel the sudden change of the atmosphere. Everyone now paid attention even the professors. Harry slowly walked forward and sat down on the stool. Everyone's eyes on him. Now he wasn't that confident anymore. I could see the hat had a hard time coming to a conclusion but in the end he screamed "Gryffindor". And the table of the Gryffindors broke out in cheers and began to clap, happy that they got the famous Harry Potter. Harry got down and began to shake few hands from the other students. The ceremony continued.

 I watched all of the kids around me getting sorted. Everyone. I was the last one. There I stood alone, having all eyes on me. Ok, I have to look confident. I won't be known as the insecure girl left behind. "Katherine Potter", McGonagall called out. Everyone gasped. I could hear whispers asking if I'm really a Potter. Before walking up I quickly turned to Harry and we exchanged a quick look. He looked surprised and shocked, next to him Weasley who began to ask him something. Probably about me.  With the shoulders back and my head held up high I walked up to the stool and sat down. I only payed attention to the hat. Ignoring all the other things around me. "Oh, a Potter again", he said surprised. "I can tell you are like your mother but there is something else. There's thirst. Thirst for knowledge but also the wish for respect. I see, your childhood wasn't great. You seem distant and ambitious. I can feel anger deep inside you. You remind me of a student who now turned out to be one of the most feared wizards of the world. Do not let the anger get to you! Slytherin will be the perfect place to help you deal with that", he said and called out "Slytherin". 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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