Chapter 1

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Tabi and Agoti hopped into the taxi. It had been a long day at the park they went to. Going on nature trails, running away from giant snakes, it has been a nice fun day. There was some funny parts as well. Agoti couldn't get the image of Tabi falling into the stream out of his head. The yelling, the cursing in Russian, and just Tabi being angry in general was enough to make Agoti die of laughter. Meanwhile, Tabi was in his own thoughts. He was still embarrassed of what happened at the park, falling into the stream and all, but he found it quite funny as well. He knew that cursing in his native language and being angry amused Agoti. Tabi smiles as he enters an older, deeper thought.

His thoughts drift to when he younger and living in the orphanage where he grew up, around 13 or so, and remembered the romance movie he watched with an older member, who was around 15. That one scene. The lady asked her lover if they would always be together. The guy replied with a yes, even if they went to heaven or hell. Tabi smiles as he remembers the scene. Soon, the silence was broken by Agoti.

"Hey, Tabi. Whatchya thinkin' about?" the digidevil asked. Tabi, who was still smiling, gave his reply. "When I was younger, I watched a romance movie. There was this one scene where the lady asked her lover if they would always be together. He replied by saying yes, and they would still be together in heaven or hell." He seemed fond of that memory, beaming with delight. Soon, Tabi began to feel warm. It was comforting at first, but soon, it became more and more uncomfortable. He felt his breath shortening and began to cough a bit. Agoti notices Tabi and begins to worry.

"You ok there?" he asks. Tabi was too weak to reply. He was getting very tired. Before Agoti knew it, Tabi passed out on his shoulder. Agoti felt the warmth and began to grow even more worried. To make sure Tabi was ok, Agoti felt the invisible man's foreskull. Tabi was burning up.

At least we're close to his house, Agoti thought.

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