Best trick. (Dragon Academy pt. 1)

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Berk was beautiful. That was my main thought as my brother and I flew over it making our way from our respective apprenticeships and heading for a large flat sea stack where the rest our peers were waiting to meet up with us. Scoot grumbled in a friendly fashion to Stormfly as we alighted next to her..

"Alright guys best trick competition, who up?" Hiccup said."

"Me." Snot lout interjected forcefully. 

actually it was my turn today. I thought but figured I would keep my mouth shut. 

"Actually -" Fishlegs attempted to defend me. but stopped as Snotlout only shouted louder.


"Just go for Thor's sake." Astrid said in annoyance.

I stepped off of Scoot as Snotlout began spouting a load of idiocy. I discreetly clutched a field medicine pack that was strapped to Scoot's Saddle and stepped backwards allowing Scoot to back up with me. He nuzzled my face and nosed around in the herd bag as I pulled them out. It was standard procedure for this little game at this point.

Snotlout finally nudged his dragon to take off and Hookfang as well as his rider made for a sloppy turn around the neighboring sea stacks and through the surrounding water.

I sighed quietly as they made it back relativley unscathed.

"I'm Alive!" Snotlout exclaimed in zealous pride.

I snorted in tired contempt.

"My turn!" Fishlegs shouted next before flying in a tame little circle around the heads of the others.

"New record." I mumbled as he landed again.

"My turn." 

"NO, My turn." The twins argued as if out of instinct and habit rather than actual animosity.

"Guy's, same dragon." Hiccup groaned.

They almost died. Simply put that was the norm but I still held my breath as they plummeted toward the sea, preparing to mount Scoot and shoot after them. Thankfully Barf and Belch retrieved their riders before I could take any drastic motherly action.

Astrid's turn was way smoother, obviously she had been practicing in an attempt to beat me or my brother (the two of us were constantly scrabbling to be the best).

"After you." I said in the poshest merchants accent I could muster, bowing slightly at the hip and pointing my hand toward the water. Hiccup bowed his head in response and in the same accent said.

"With pleasure."

He and toothless completed an impressive display of coordination and teamwork ending it all with a rapid fire, light show. Scoot, who was sitting on his haunches beside me, grunted in subdued admiration. I responded with a similar groan.

"It'll be fine bud, we can't let them win two times in a row." I looked to my left and saw him shake his head in a kind of pseudo-nod.

As they landed I heard Astrid muttering something about Hiccup being the best, and certainly he was the best brother, the best twin I could ever ask for, but best rider, no I was determined to give him a run for his money.

I had already repacked the medical kit, knowing that It wouldn't be needed after Hiccup's display. I mounted Scoot, adjusted my backside into a comfortable position and discreetly clicked a retaining belt into place, for what we had planned I was going to need it.

I clicked my tongue once and we were off like a shot. I tucked myself against Scoot's body.  instead of going forward like the rest of our peers we decided to shoot upwards, flying quickly into the clouds rotating like a cyclone as we climbed, seeming to defy gravity itself.  after we reached the pique of Scoot's momentum we fell backwards, completing five somersaults in a row before leveling out and spinning upwards once more and letting off a few shots to fly through before landing in between Stormfly and Hookfang with a light woof of air. 

there was silence for a moment before the group collectively called out.


Both me and Hiccup groaned and flopped backwards on our dragons at that.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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