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Jeongyeon was very disappointed when she found out that Nayeon had lied to her and they wouldn't do anything. She had only deceived her because she was too drunk and laughed at her when Jeongyeon approached her in a sexual way. She went to sleep but swore she would win back the girl next to her.

Meanwhile, in the casino, Momo grumbled about the men who took all her money and Dahyun kept telling her that Tzuyu and Jihyo were kind enough to give her everything back.

-You were lucky. What if we hadn't won? You have to be more responsible. You're not Nayeon, you're not a millionaire.- Jihyo scolded her.

-Yes, yes, okay.- Momo said giving up. -Sana?

-She's still with the girl.- Mina replied.

-As long as it's not me.- Tzuyu said relieved.

-You didn't say that when you secretly wrote to each other.- Momo commented with a smirk.

-You stay silent. I know so much about you that I could ruin your life.

-Okay, but calm down.

-I'm honestly tired.- Mina admitted. -Does anyone want to come home?

-Yes, I'll come.- Dahyun said. -And someone should do the same.

-Tsk. I'm only coming because I have some delicious snacks at home.- Momo replied.

-So shall we all go? Ji? Tzu?- Chaeyoung asked.

-Let's try to get Sana back. You call a couple of taxis.

The next day the early riser woke up at 10.00. Mina made herself some coffee and cleaned up the mess Momo had left when she ate her snacks the night before. She was incorrigible. Soon Chaeyoung also got up and joined her.

-Good morning.

-Good morning Chaeng. How did you sleep?

-Well all in all, someone else must be worse off than me. Jeongyeon and Momo drank a lot.

-We should prepare something. Speaking of them... Do you think something happened with their respective... Girls?

-Let's hope. But I highly doubt it. Nayeon is... Nayeon. And Dahyun would never do something if Momo is drunk.


-Ah! Do you know what happened tonight? I caught Tzuyu going out for the fifth time to smoke. And we know that she only smokes when she's nervous.

-What do you think happened?

-Two syllables: Sana.

-You say?

-Of course!

-Good morning rays of sunshine that illuminate this morning!- Jihyo exclaimed.

-It's raining.- Chaeyoung commented.

-It does not matter. So, what are you saying?

-I'm preparing something for the girls' hangover.- Mina explained.

-Good, Sana needs it. Just think that she slept on the floor because she didn't like the bed, it was too hard. At least she slept. I stayed awake between her snoring and Tzuyu getting up every five minutes.

-What a night...- Chaeyoung commented.

-I also heard someone crying in the other room. I think it was Momo.

New gossip for Miss Myoui.

-When she's drunk she becomes ultra sensitive.- said the Japanese girl.

-Hey girls, is there some coffee for me?- Nayeon asked coming down the stairs.

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