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Staff running around,phone calls ringing from time to time,businesses contacting several times a day.Was this how it felt to be proposed and soon to be married??

Donghyuck didn't know what to feel honestly.Ever since they broke the news about Marks proposal to his parents and to the public,it's been hell.He loved that everyone supported them but it was too much.The wedding is like 4 months from now and everyone is running around like it's tomorrow.Doyoung wouldn't even let him eat properly because he needs to "diet" for his wedding.

His dad invited over a "million" business friends and partners to the wedding.A day since he told them and the invitations are made and sent already.

He stood infront of the mirror with a plain white dress,beaded around the waist and bust and laced at the bottom.He looked at himself properly,was this what he wanted??

"Whats wrong baby??"Mark asked wrapping his arms around the beaded waist

"Dont you think its too much?"Donghyuck asked

"What is too much??"Mark asked kissing his neck softly

"The dress...practically everything."Donghyuck replied with a frown

"Hey."Mark lifted his chin up and turned him around to face him, "if you dont wanna wear a dress it's totally okay,I won't force you."Mark chuckled

"I know but our moms will be disappointed,im like the "daughter" they never had,They probably counted on me for this one."Donghyuck pouted

"Its okay,I can talk to them."Mark smiled

"It doesn't matter,will they listen?"Donghyuck sighed

"Hey,hey,we won't know unless we try alright?"Mark reassured,placing his strands of hair that was sticking out behind his ear

"Mom will be upset,let's just leave it,maybe I will wear this dress,does it look good?"Donghyuck tried to smile

"No,we are going out there to tell them the truth."Mark warned and pulled the younger out of the dressing room

"Omg! Tae! My baby looks sooo cute!"Doyoung cooed,running to Donghyuck

"Thank you momma!"Donghyuck faked a smile

"Is this the dress,you choosing because I love it!"Taeyong asked,satisfied

"Y-Yes."Donghyuck stuttered,he was not happy but scared to tell their mothers who seemed so happy

"No,mom's,Donghyuck has something to tell you."Mark said nudging the younger forward with his shoulder

"I-I-"He was nervous as hell

"Hyuckie baby,it's okay,don't stress too much,do you wanna wear a suit?"Doyoung asked his son as he caressed his hair

"H-How did you know?"Donghyuck asked looking at the shocked Mark who was looking at Doyoung with his mouth wide open

"Mothers know everything their sons want and need,it's okay honey,we will get a fine suit made for you and Mark for the wedding,especially matching ones!"Taeyong chuckled,caressing the youngers left cheek

"Come on Tae,we got the venues to look at!"Doyoung rolled his eyes at the stress load they have for wedding

"I found a few halls especially with VIP seats for the big business attendees,wanna book appointments to check it out?"Taeyong offered

"Obviously!"Doyoung replied in excitement as the two walked out hand in hand,discussing furthermore about the wedding amongst themselves

"Told ya,they were cool about it."Mark winked

"Oh shut it,mom maybe be sweet but he still scares me."Donghyuck said making Mark laugh


"Jaemin is calling."Mark smiled turning to Donghyuck

"Maybe they found the right ring for us!"Donghyuck squealed

"Mhmm....lets see."Mark smiled,answering the call

"Jaemin~ah!"Mark answered with excitement

"M-Mark."Jeno called panting

"Jeno~ya??"Mark asked unsure of what was happening

"Listen,they got us."Jeno panted

"Jeno! who what??"Mark began to panic

"Look,I don't have time but this fucker forgot to take my phone and is dumb to lock us in a room with no cuffs,he said he will kill us within an hour to get Donghyuck to come here,I will text you the address,be quick please,he poisoned Jaemin."Jeno cried

"WHAT?? JAEMIN??"Mark furiously clenched his fists as he screamed but the line went dead

"Mark?? What happened?"Donghyuck questioned but Mark ignored him,after a minute or two he recieved a message with the address

"Mark! I asked you something."Donghyuck held his wrist

"Look! If it weren't for you,we wouldn't of been in this situation! Jeno is kidnapped and Jaemin is half dead,haven't you done enough damage?? just back off!"Mark shouted as he freed his wrist harshly, causing the younger to fall down,without even sparing a glance at his hurt lover,he ran off to save his best friends

"W-What??"Donghyuck cried,he didn't know what was going on,Mark had to be lying right??

He ran home,into the arms of his mother and cried,Doyoung held him tightly,trying his best to calm his shaking son down,whilst Taeyong called Jaehyun to find out exactly what happend and track Mark and send backup if needed.

"Mom I'm scared,he mentioned something about Jaemin and Jeno being kidnapped,im worried,Jaemin is pregnant."Donghyuck cried into his mother's chest

"Its okay baby,daddy is gone to check."Doyoung held his shaking son

"This won't help,here."Taeyong gave Donghyuck some milk,who drank it to calm down but didn't know that Taeyong mixed some sleeping pills inside,once Donghyuck was asleep,Doyoung looked at Taeyong with a questioned look

"He was shaking and full of fear,it would be better to put him off to sleep for awhile until we get news on what's actually going on."Taeyong sighed

Doyoung was not furious but upset,Mark pushed his son onto the cold floor,knowing well,he is pregnant.Did he not love him enough?? couldn't he atleast push him off softly,he knew his fiancè was pregnant but he acted violently,but then again he understood it from Marks perspective,whatever happens,he hoped Jaemin and Jeno were fine.

Why did I do that😭😭
Mianhae Jaemin-ah😭😭
I will update the rest tomorrow and work on another book🫶🏻
Thank you for waiting guys❤️
Take care and sleep well~~

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