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Sira's pov

Me and Regulus successfully apparted in France, we were now in the front of the Prince' vacation house.
We went inside, there was almost no furniture and the place seemed like there haven't been a soul in that house for the past thousand years.
"well Reggie, we have a little bit of shopping and cleaning do to, don't you think?"
"a little?" the boy said almost laughing " just for you to know, I don't want the house full Gryffindor style"
"Black, my house, my roules but luckily for you we are going to decorate it normally, beside our bedrooms, wich by the way I'm going to take the master bedroom"
he chuckled before saying " your house, our rules and I'm going to take the second biggest room just for you to know"
"yea yea, still I think that I'm going to cast some protection spells for death eaters and your mother especially, after that we are going to sleep in a hotel, I don't think that in this we'll find raven some books to sleep on"
"yea, I think your right Siri, you go ahead and I'm going to explore the rest of the house".
I got out and it took 20 minutes for casting all the protection spells that I knew of.
I was lucky because for us that were born in a rich and pureblood supremacist family, by the age of sixteen the minister doesn't look in the spells that we make or else I think for how much magic I've used if it wasn't for my blood status I'd be at Azkaban.
After I entered the too big house for only two people to live in it me and Regulus went to an hotel were we slept in different rooms.
The next morning I woke up early at 6:30, I get up and I go to take a shower.
I dress with sweat pants, a t-shirt and I put over a emerald green coat.
I go at the breakfast buffet where i meet Regulus.
"morning Siri, today WE have a full day of shopping and cleaning so start eating now because i dont know when nor if we'll have time today"
"morning Reggie, I know I know but still I think that it will be fun though"
me and Regulus started eating and speaking with eachother. After we have eaten we pay the hotel and we directly go to shopping for all the furniture.
After 5 hours we finally get home and start  cleaning the muggle way.
" I told you that we needed more cleaning things!" I said to the boy
"nah, you know how much we've spent today?"
"yep, muggle word like an entire fortune, but luckily for our word nothing"
"yes but still, by the way I'm starving lest order some pizza"
I call a restaurant and they told that they would bring the pizza.
We continued cleaning the inside of the house muggle way and we continued after eating the pizza.
After a few hours of good cleaning the house was immaculate, me and Regulus are now laying on the wood carpet resting before the furniture arrive.
" Fuck Reggie"
"language and why?"
"we bought like all the furniture but we don't have anything else, we need plates and the other things"
"I'm so tired I cloud sleep her like that on the floor"
"me too but we have to"
"yea I know, what if we get a coffee while we wait for the furniture and after we go and buy the rest of the things?" the boy said
"I'm in"
we got up and went to a small Caffe joking and relaxing.
after we got back home this time with the help of magic we arranged all of the furniture.
"now let's go shopping again"
Just line that we are now discussing what to take for the house, after that we went our mostly separate ways to get the things that we need, me for my room and my studio and something for the guests rooms as well.
I don't know how but we managed to finish putting the furniture in the house, now the two of them were going out to eat.
after eating and a few hours of shopping they were back home finishing the house and finally at 11 p.m. they put their arses on the couch.
"finallyyyy" I said
" you know that we still didn't do the Christmas tree right?"
"we can do it in the morning and still we have to get groceries, I'm too tired to do anything"
"we didn't even unpack" the boy said.
"we did all of this so I think that we can call it a day and unpack tomorrow"
the boy smiled and I smiled to him back.
"well I think this is a star for a new chapter of our life's sis"
"I would say the start of a new book Reggie"
we laughed softly and for how tired we were we actually fell asleep on the couch to only find ourselves sleeping ultil 10 a.m.
i opend my eyes and watched the clock.
"fuck! Reggie wake up is 10 in the morning"
"what- 10?! already?"
"yes, I'm going to take a shower meanwhile you can go get groceries real quick"
"yes m'am, what do I need to buy for your royal arse?"
I rolled my eyes at him smiling before writing down a very long list of groceries before giving that to him.
I go take a shower and I put on some shorts and a sweater before quickly unpacking all of my things.
after I finished I take the things that we need to make the Christmas tree in the living room and start a fire in the fire palce.
right then Regulus enters the door and in his arms 6 grocery bags.
"I'll take those and you go take a shower too and unpack, I'm going to make breakfast and after we're going to do the Christmas tree" I said before taking the groceries and putted them on the chicken table.
"ok mum" the boy said joking making me laugh a little.
I put the groceries where they belonged and started to make pancakes, right after I finished and Regulus was near the chicken we ear the doorbell ringing and we look at eachother.
he took his wand out and I went fist to open the door, only to find a Sirius smiling at me.
" what in the bloody hell is happening"
Regulus smiled at his brother knowingly.
"hi Siri to you too this morning I was grocery shopping for the potters with James when we spotted Regulus doing the same thing so we came here to visit you and to see how you decorate the house" Sirius explained
"what do you mean with we?" I said letting the boy enter the house and he was soon followed by James and Remus.
"that what he meant" Regulus said hugging his brother.
I shook my head and smile hugging Remus and Sirius, before I knew it I was in the arms of James Potter too.
"so I don't care what you do in my house but, I want it clean or I'm going to hex you, one by one. it's that clear?"
"crystal" Sirius said
"now if you four don't mind I'm going to eat because I'm starving" I said before making my way in to the chicken and Regulus too.
after we finished eating we go in the living room where the three boys where watching how we decorated it.
"so who wants a tour of the house?" I said smirking knowingly that the boys were in.
after the tour of the house in was the final room, mine.
we entered the master bedroom and it was full Gryffindor mode beside the bed.
"wow you play Quidditch?" the messy haired boy asked looking at my Quidditch jersey which was on the wall because it was signed.
" yes, and I'm the capitan" I smiled at the boy
" and you are a Gryffindor too uh" Remus said
"the real question is: how cloud I not be a Gryffindor dear moon boy?"
all of us started laughing slightly and when Sirius opened my wardrobe he looked at me
"seriously, you got half of my sweaters that I left at gremould place?"
"yes Sirius, I siriussly did that" I said smiling.
"but we still have to do the Christmas tree" Regulus said and all five of use were now making the Christmas tree, joking and laughing.

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