A New Avenger

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The next few days were a crazy expierence to say the least, Damage Control took over the repairs of New York but Y/N insisted that he helped. He helped remove rubble, save trapped civilians and reunite lost ones with their families.

Shortly after the fight, Y/N was floating through the city when he heard what sounded like a boy begging for help, focusing on the sound he flew towards the sound until he was in front of a pile of rubble.

???: Is somebody there? I can't get out!

Y/N: Stay calm buddy, I'll get you out of there

Y/N removed the rubble where he saw a boy no older than 13 injured but nothing serious

???: My arm, I think it's broken

Y/N: Try not to move it that much, I'm gonna get you out of here. What's your name?

The boy looked up at Y/N with worry in his eyes but was soon put at ease when he saw Y/N warms smile

???: Peter, Peter Parker

Y/N: Hi Peter, I'm... uh well some call me Superman

Y/N then helped Peter get out of the rubble while being careful as to not further hurt his arm, once he was out they heard a scream come from nearby

???: Peter!

Y/N turned to see a middle aged woman running towards them, he looked to Peter who immediatley recognized her

Peter: May!

The two ran to each other until they hugged each other tightly, May clearly crying before pulling herself together to make sure Peter was ok.

May: Are you ok?

Peter: I think my arm is broken, other than that I'm alright

May breathed a sigh of relief before looking up to the man who saved her nephew

May: I can't thank you enough

Y/N gave the woman a warm smile before Peter spoke up with enthusiasm

Peter: Are you a new Avenger?!

The boys enthusiasm caused May and Y/N to laugh before he contemplated for a minute

Y/N: Well, I'm not actually sure but I do know one thing for sure. I'm here to help

Peter: I wish I could be an Avenger.

Y/N: Well, never say never Peter. There's a lot of strange things in this world, and it could always use someone to look out for the little guy. Just know that when you can do great things, you can use those great things to do good.

Peter contemplated for a moment before smiling and looking up at the Kryptonian

Peter: You're right, Thank you Superman

Y/N gave a small salute with a smile before floating back into the air and flying away to help others.

One Week Later 

The news was ablaze on this new superhero, Superman who saved the world from his own people. The Avengers stood with him, praising him for his heroics and sacrifices, even Nick Fury gave his appreciation to the Kryptonian who saved humanity. 

There was still some apprehension as no one knew anything about Y/N but that was solved when Y/N agreed to do an on screen interview with a news organization called the Daily Bugle. While on live TV, Y/N went on to explain how he was born on Krypton but was raised on Earth since he was an infant, he explained how Earth was his home and how he was sent here to protect humanity.

Avengers Tower 

Y/N was invited to Avengers tower where the Avengers and Nick Furyn were, he wasn't in his Superman suit since he was told this wasn't a professional function. Y/N stepped off the elevator and walked into the room where Earth's mightiest heros were.

Steve: Y/N, it's good to see you again

Y/N gave a smile to the Captain and shook his hand

Y/N: You too Cap

Y/N was then met was a hard slap on the back followed by a hearty laugh

Thor: Superman! Welcome to the tower my friend!

Thor's enthusiasm made Y/N laugh before shaking his hand too

Y/N: Thank you Thor, never thought I would be here

Tony: Well believe it Mr. L/N

Y/N nodded at Tony as he walked into the room

Y/N: Good to be here, but why am I if you guys don't mind me asking?

Steve smiled as he motioned for the others to follow him into the conference room, walking through the double doors and seeing a huge conferece table with the other Avengers sitting at it, except for one.

Y/N: Uh wheres...

Then a pair of arms wrapped around him from behind followed by a familiar voice that he loved so much

Nat: You think you can be gone for a week and not have me attack you?

Y/N laughed as he turned around and gave Natasha a hug back, she snuggled into his chest and they both just stood there before they were disrupted by Fury clearing his throat.

They quickly broke the hug before they went to their respective seats, smiles still on their faces. 

Fury: Now I think we all know why we're meeting here today

Clint: We meet here everyday

Fury shot a look at the archer who put his hands up in defense

Fury: Anyway, we are here because of Mr. L/N, and a very important question for him

Y/N rose an eyebrow at this before noticing that the Avengers were smiling at him, Fury approached the Kryptonian while explaining The Avengers Initiative and how it was an idea to bring together a group of remarkable people to protect the world. 

Fury: And we believe you would be a great asset to the team

Y/N's jaw dropped when he heard this, he looked around the room at the other superheroes, and all gave him reassuring smilies and nods. Without hesitation he stood up and shook Nick Fury's hand. 

Y/N: Sir, it would be an honor

Fury gave a small smile before turning over to Steve who also stood up and approached Y/N

Steve: Well then, welcome to the Avengers Superman

The rest of the room began cheering for him, even Banner was cheering a bit which caused Y/N to smile like an idiot.

After the meeting, Y/N was shown his room in the tower and to say he was impressed would be an understatement. After being left alone for a bit, there was a knock at his door

Y/N: Come in!

He looked to the door and saw Nat closing it behind her

Nat: Congrulations Superman, you're now offically an Avenger

Y/N smiled at her words before approaching her

Y/N: I know it's only been a week, but I missed you Nat

Natasha looked down at her feet before looking back up at him, face a blushing red mess with a smile plastered across her face.

Nat: I missed you too, more than you know

Y/N put his hands on her waist and she put her arms around his neck, both of them staring longingly into each others eyes.

Nat: I should warn you, I have a habit of pushing the people I care for away. I don't want this to be one of this times

Y/N: It won't, trust me

The two then leaned into each other until their lips touched, at first it started very soft and tender but slowly grew to be more passionate, Nat jumped and wrapped her legs around his waist and Y/N put his hands on her butt causing the Russian to giggle a bit before he carried her over to the bed where the two of them broke the new bed in the best way she knew how.

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